Question - Answer app


New member
Jun 29, 2013
Some time ago...
Thinking about system that will help me with answering questions from my readers. Keep in mind please, I'm not professional coder.

I don't want to scrape Google or any other Q/A platform. All answers will be created by me (and my stuff eventually) and should be stored in database for future usage.

For example, first user is asking question via his mobile app, the question is send by email to me. Because the database of answers is empty at this point, I answer that question manually. Over time answer's database will grow and I won't need to create each answer manually, instead will pick up the best match.

The ideal way this should work that comes to my mind looks like this.

User is sending question via his mobile app (emial) --> system is checking that question against answers stored in database -->

1) if there are answers closely matching the question system is sending the best answer to the user

2) if there is no matching/quality answers system is passing the question to me for manual answer. And then once my manual answer is sent, it's automatically stored in a database.

Are you aware of any software/service that can handle something like that? And if not how would you go about creating system like described above? Just some general ideas will be fine because as I have stated earlier, I'm not a pro coder so too much details will kill my head.

I need to be that mirror...







You could check the database for similarities in keywords or you could manually apply proper tags to each question to increase chances of the most relevant answer being selected.

If you're automatically sending a response back the chances are it'd be the wrong answer sometimes. You might want to have a system which ranks the first few answers in order or relevance that you can quickly choose from and send.

If it doesn't have to be a direct email this would work better as a contact form that takes them to the relevant answers first, if none of those are their specific question they could continue on to message you.

You should search to see if there are any knowledge management systems that offer the features you want out of the box.