question about server packages

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New member
Jan 23, 2008
hey I have done some research and decided I want to purchase a reseller account with Reseller Zoom. I am going to be making around 20-30 affiliate minisites, probably with wordpress. Which package suits me best?

1. Windows package - offers windows programming like MSSQL and 10,000mb disk space, 200gb bandwidth, and 200 plesk accounts....or.......

2. Basic Package - 8000mb disk space, 120gb bandwidth, and 120cpanel accounts

Thanks, Rocky

i think you have more flexibility with linux, cos there's a bunch of great php scripts out there.

unless you need the .net functionality, i think windows is higher priced and performance is about the same.

i've used zoom in the past, and didnt really like their setup/service and moved on to other webhosts within a month.
I will shoot a vote to the CPanel Server.

Do they offer any server specs for the two different types? CPU, Memory, etc?
I use resellerzoom for some of my domains, and have been happy so far. The Budget2 package is your best bet: Cheap Reseller Hosting - Private Label cPanel Reseller Web Hosting Package from Reseller Zoom

Basically, they are decent, but database access is a little slow sometimes. If it is slow when you get set up, ask to be moved to another server because of it, and you will be good for awhile. You get to keep the IP(s) and all.

One thing I really like about them is they support wildcard DNS. You just have to add a DNS record in WHM and you're good!
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