Question About Link Anchor Text For SEO

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New member
Mar 12, 2007
I've always read that it's best to vary your anchor text in links that you build to your webpages, and that if you over do it with any keyword you could get penalized or delisted, but what if you have a keyword domain?

For example, say your keyword is "blue widgets" and your domain is "" or "". Will Google or any of the other SE's for that matter penalize your webpage for having too many text links with the same keywords as your domain? Or do you pretty much get a free pass to build as many domain name keyword links to your site as you can without getting penalized for it?

That's a good question. I'm no SEO expert, but if I were to take a guess, I would say that it all depends on your domain name and how popular of a term your anchor text is. I would vary the anchor text anyway. I wouldn't want to take a chance at having Google think of me as being guilty of link spamming.
I've heard of that too... but, most of the time I link to my sites using the same anchor text over and over, and so far it's only increased my rankings for those keywords. I don't really think that theory holds any water unless we're talking about a HUGE amount of spammy links. From time to time it's still a good idea to vary up your anchor text though because that way you can rank for several secondary terms instead of just going for that one main term.

And to answer your question, if your site name is and you link to your site with the anchor text bluewidgets, I highly doubt it's going to hurt you. Look at all the other sites that do that.
Yeah, that's what I figured because if you did get penalized for it a site like Amazon wouldn't rank for "Amazon", "", etc.

I just wanted to see peoples opinions/experiences because I've never seen it mentioned before.
Got same anchor text for many times shouldn't been penalized unless you got them for a short period, like 2,000 links with "viagra" anchor text in one day. It seems no ethical way to get those amount of link in just one day. Slow as naturally is the key.
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