Question about joining affiliate programs as an advertiser

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New member
Jul 19, 2006
I've been working with affiliate networks as a publisher for a little over a year now. I've stuck pretty much exclusively with CJ for most of the time I've been doing this.

My situation is this... I'm going to be launching an online store within the next couple of weeks and I'm interested in joining an affiliate as an advertiser for the first time ever.

I've heard that criteria is pretty strict for signing up as an advertiser. I know CJ always says they only go with established brands and the like. Well I'm not an established brand. I'm launching a brand new website and regardless of how good my site might look, or how cheap my products are, nobody has ever heard of me.

Are there affiliate programs out there that will work with people like me who are just starting out? Do these programs have quality publishers working with them or is the crowd pretty sparse?
Any recommendations on where I should turn would be greatly appreciated.

If it is software, check out regnow or plimus. Again, low startup. Work your way up to CJ as an advertiser. Don't just start there.. Dangerous for the overhead.
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