Question about Google Conversion Tracking

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New member
Aug 22, 2006
Here's the situation.

I have a lot of traffic coming to one of my landing pages. About 25% of the traffic does not qualify for the offer (international traffic) so I am sending them to a page in my site that is basically MFA (made for adsense). Most if not all of the advertisers on the MFA page are my competition for the original product.

This is working out well for me, except I believe it is causing problems with my Google conversion tracking. Since making the change, I am consistently seeing a larger number of conversions in Adwords than I am getting credit for by the advertiser (network).

The only thing that I can conclude is that the users are coming to my page, and some that I am screening as not qualifying are being passed to my competitors and are then converting to leads, which end up showing in my Adwords account as conversions which aren't actually mine. I know that sounds crazy, but its the only thing I can come up with.

If this is the case, does anyone have a work around? Maybe some way to kill the conversion tracking when I pass the visitor to my adsense page?

The adwords conversion tracking code only fires on the pages you have placed it on and only fires when a user reaches that page, if your redirect goes through the conversion code it can count as a conversion or if your redirect happens after your conversion code then the conversion is still counted.

Other then that if your conversion code is not on the website a user hits then no conversions are made, also make sure your not running the same conversion code on several different sites which could cause false results.
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