Question about google ad placement

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Jul 6, 2006
Right, I don't know if I should have posted this in the design & development section, but it's kind of noob-ish, so here goes:

I'd like to redo the positioning of my google ads on my website

The thing is, I'd like to place them under some of the newsposts, but because of the way the template is built, I can only place ads at the end of EVERY newspost on the page, or after the last post.

The thing is, the limit of ads is three, so if I place the ads in the template, will there be any penalty (i.e. google being pissed off), or will it just stop showing ads after the third unit and leave it at that?

nope, Google Does cut out after three.
Been there, done that.

emp said:
nope, Google Does cut out after three.
Been there, done that.

Yeah, but do you happen to know: would I get in trouble for it? I mean, if they do autocut, there would be a few red flags flying and their control people would see them... and :ak:me down.

emp, how did it go for you? Any troubles?
I guess the best way, and safest, is to just insert them manually every 2-3 posts. That'll make it less repetitive as well and the readers will appreciate it more. Or limit the amount of your posts on a page in the settings to 3 so that if you DO add the adsense after every post, it'll never go over the limit. :D
You could also set your posts so it only shows three at a time.

E-mail Google and penalties, they respond quickly from what I hear.

The auto cut at three benifits them, because if someone clicks a post (one post-one ad) on its own page...the other ads (side bar, top, bottom, etc) will show if they are still in the template!
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