Quality Score 1 affialite links?

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New member
Jun 10, 2008
Hi i created a new site, aiming a niche which isn't very competitive. The site is a review site, which has 3 products and ratings of each product. Plus it has Home Page: Information: Contact Us: About Us: Disclaimer: Privacy Policy: Site Map:

The problems which i believe to be the reason behind the shit QS are:
-The domain is a.info.
-I have many affiliate links (11 on the home page), , but they are cloaked e.g. domain.php then redirect to the affiliate page
- The web site review template im using is also used on many other site
- I may need more content on the home page. (maybe hide the content using CSS (Does anyone know the code to do this)

What do you guys reckon?

I may need more content on the home page. (maybe hide the content using CSS (Does anyone know the code to do this)
<p style="display:none;">
<div style="display:none;">
<span style="display:none;">

I wouldn't recommend this though. It will look bad on manual review.
I reckon it has nothing to do with any of those reasons.
Its also not my account history, as i can easily get a 7/10 qualit score straight away with other sites. What other reasons do you think it could be?
Quality Score on Google about CTR (70%). Remaining 30% almost about your headline, and landing page relevancy. For each keyword you bid on, create an Ad that contains that keyword (title case) in the headline. And, send that keyword to a page that uses that keyword as a title tag. I truly got 8-9 quality score (before even a single click) for many long term keywords using this approach.
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