Quality Inbound Links


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Hi guys,
I'm looking to buy/built long term inbound links.
Most offered around in the sales section seem to be short term oriented or costing really big bucks ($100+).
One way I thought could work is buying some blog postings. But the ones I found on payperpost where really crappy (e.g. I don't want to have som posting between ciralis and casino blogs) and I'm not really willing to pay $30+ for a posting on a pr3 page just to have a not completely trashy blog environment.
Any further suggestions?

Hi guys,
Any further suggestions?
1. Exchange Links;
2. Write some good quality articles and post on ezinearticles(Or similar website), leave a back link to your website;
Hi guys,
I'm looking to buy/built long term inbound links.
Most offered around in the sales section seem to be short term oriented or costing really big bucks ($100+).
One way I thought could work is buying some blog postings. But the ones I found on payperpost where really crappy (e.g. I don't want to have som posting between ciralis and casino blogs) and I'm not really willing to pay $30+ for a posting on a pr3 page just to have a not completely trashy blog environment.
Any further suggestions?

Work with LFE for a few months.
Dude, Forum says ya gotta show da boobies if you use da con. Where are da boobs? Read da rules.

Ok...that being said,

forum posting with sig
blog commenting
social bookmarks
blog platforms
video creations

enough to get ya started?
forum posting with sig
blog commenting
social bookmarks
blog platforms
video creations

I don't know dude... blog comments, social bookmarks... they all seem kinda temporary to me and only work by using quantity over quality. I know that they work but with (high) quality I was looking more for example for links placed on a quality blogs (unfortunately most pay-for-posting offers seem to be overloaded by trash links e.g. on casinos, viagra and whatnot. but the idea itself could theoretically work). Or there is always the tempting offer here in the link selling session of a newspaper writer to include/feature a site on a high profile site (but $200 is somewhat beyond my budget). Any stuff in that direction would be go towards that quality aspect.

Also here are sum tits: