Quality Craigslist PVAs $4 !!!!!!!

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Apr 15, 2010
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Hello, I am new to the forums but have been supplying craigslist PVAs for quiet some time now. I supply top quality PVAs in either bulk or individual orders. Of course, the more you are willing to buy per order the better deal you will receive. Here are the details on how the PVAs are created:

PVA Details:
USA land line phone numbers
Unique US IP address
Hotmail Account
72 Hour Replacement Guarantee
First dummy post made and active

Here is the post. Just change the order around and stuff to make it look unique. Also, put your own contact details and dont put my aim sn or anything and just make an email qucik for gmail just so that its totally unique.

I am willing to give away 10 free PVAs for active members of MMD that are interested in purchasing but want to test first. You must have at least 100 posts and be willing to write a quick review.

25 or less $5 each
50 or more $4.50 each
100 or more $4.00 each
Payment: Paypal
Other payment options may be accepted by request on large orders.
Generally orders take a few hours to be completed but depending on order size and current orders it can take 24 hours and at most 48 to receive your PVAs. All PVAs are fresh and created on the fly.

Contact Details:
AIM/YIM- antzman1414
MSN- antzman1414@hotmail.com
Email- anthony111414@gmail.com
or you can just send a PM

Also, I forgot to add. We can now offer geo targetted PVAs for people posting in sections like jobs on CL to avoid ghosting issues. What we do is use a unique IP address and phone number area code from that city and seal it with a test post. All you have to do is tell us the city. Since this requires extra work we have to add an extra $1.50 per PVA on top of original asking prices which is still a pretty good deal from what i've seen some people charging for Geo-targeted PVAs.
I dont have a 100 messages but have been a member for some time. Ill write a review for a Chicago pva if possible.
I have posted an ad on craigslist last 30 hours back the PVA is still active, so all is well.

A+ for his PVA.
Just an update, due to a lot of posters having issues with ghosting in certain sections of CL we are now including the city and state that the PVA was created in even on our non GEO-targeted account orders. This will allow people to post in certain sections with much more success rates using the proper IP solutions. Geo-Targeted PVAs are still available upon request and available for select cities. Just one addition that High Quality Craigslist PVAs provides in addition to top quality PVAs to make things a little easier for posters.
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