Quality content Writer Here but have 1 probelm


New member
May 23, 2012
Hi Friends,

I'm content writer and want to start my business in this forum. My team is ready to work as a quality content writing in this forum and I'm also ready for bulk as well as small order. But my problem is that Private message option doesn't appear in my account. So when any clients PM me for order then i could i reply them? I just want Private message option in my account. My rate is also in budget of any person so any one can afford it.

Waiting for response.


Alright here it goes.. Feeling generous right now... So Here's what you need to do..

1. Contribute to post you need to get to 30-50 post.. DO not spam the shit out of the replies and do not reply with "good post" types of replies or you'll get banned easy as fuck.. at least contribute or make your reply around 2-3 sentences.. you'll have the reply function once you hit 30-50 post.

2. After getting the post count prepare to invest $36 for a thread... Thread has payments here not sure about the content section

3. Go here Content - WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum and create a thread

4. Give 5 Free trial or review copies so you'll have a head start and trust on the community.

5. Reply 4 times a day to your thread. Only 4 times or you're efforts will go to waste and you'll get banned as well.

Then you get the profits fucka!
and not just that... you'll have a steady supply of customers here on WF as 70% of the fucktards here needs a writer! So invest first on the account and you'll get it back tenfold

p.s Follow the rules and don't be a pussie and you won't have any problems
You may have more success selling content on Digital Point or Fiverr while you build your reputation here.
I'd say you should treat EACH and every customer you can get over here like the first girl you'd had a crush on. Go all out to impress her! I'll say it again - Do anything it takes to impress the shit out of her! Under promise - over deliver. This rule will def help you out. Promise to deliver an article in 2 days and try and get it out within 12 hours. Consistently. You'll have a whole bunch of referrals within a couple of months of hard work!

All the best.
I'd say you should treat EACH and every customer you can get over here like the first girl you'd had a crush on. Go all out to impress her! I'll say it again - Do anything it takes to impress the shit out of her! Under promise - over deliver. This rule will def help you out. Promise to deliver an article in 2 days and try and get it out within 12 hours. Consistently. You'll have a whole bunch of referrals within a couple of months of hard work!

All the best.
Tiring in the Long run but definitely a great start... learn to tie the end knots.. By 2nd month outsource some... by the 3rd month after everything is going great outsource it 100% then get 100% of the fuckass profits easily!

Then on your free time while outsourcing, think of something that will make you again some more moniies!
Give free review copies to senior members only.
I would also like to add here is that when your thread closes after a month or so ie.$36 gets over than DONOT PM any WF members<senior sps> requesting for work else you would be banned for spamming, as every one wants here that writer ONLY should invest regularly on threads and asking work via pm is considered spamming even if you're serious, professional what ever.