Quality affiliate sites without price lists


New member
Jul 4, 2007
Quite a few of my sites have price lists on them, that is lists of cellphone subscriptions, broadband subscriptions and so on.

It's quite a nightmare to keep the price lists updated, so I would love to find another way to build quality affiliate sites about cellphones, broadband, consumer loans and so on.

So have anyone seen some nice, quality affiliate sites without price lists on (while still having good income potential).


It's quite a nightmare to keep the price lists updated

Did you try some data feeds? You can update hell of the information using data feeds.

Why would you like to get rid of pricing? Don't know much about marketing but probably pricing has a lot of potential...
Pricing has a lot of potential, it's just that it's a nightmare to keep updated.
Do you use any database for your site or is it just a plain HTML? If you are with some aff network check if they have data feeds for such an offers. If yes, download it and change into SQL, than just insert the data into database. This way you can update prices within 10 minutes or so.

Or build some crawler to get updated info in no time.
if you can automate the feed import procedure it won't be time consuming

you need database and a programming language knowledge to do this, or to hire someone