PyCon 2012: Scrape The Web


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Live, Without A DJ
I haven't watched this yet, but it looks entertaining. I think it's the third time this guy presented this at PyCon.

Web scraping: Reliably and efficiently pull data from pages that don't expect it

[ame=""]Web scraping: Reliably and efficiently pull data from pages that don't expect it - YouTube[/ame]
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Watched about 1 min, then flipped to 29:00 to see him make a mistake, then I skipped to about 57:30, and my head just began to hurt.
Really wish I wasn't tethering abroad paying per megabyte right now. Bookmarked with extreme prejudice.
The talk is not very useful if you already know what you're doing. It should be good for anyone new that isn't aware of the options or how to get started. I was hoping for more, but he just gives an overview of the basics of all the available tools.