Putting Backlink into Wordpress Plugin?

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$monies = false;
Dec 7, 2006
Wine Cuntry
So, I just finished up writing a plugin for Wordpress and im getting ready to release/post it to the public.

Is it acceptable to have the plugin add a footer link back to my site? Should I give them the option of disabling said link?

Any general opinions on the matter?

Many plugins have links back to the creator, and the licence for the plugin typically stipulates that the link remain. I'd offer it free w/the link, or a nominal fee to remove the link (add some sort of other value to it as well, something ephemeral like "premium support" so that you don't get on the hook with users.)

What you have to be careful of when doing something like this (sponsorship links) is that people WILL disable it and redistribute it. I've been there before...there's no use fighting it. The moment you release a product like that, it's out in the open, and it WILL be, to use to loosest form of the word, "pirated." (Yes, it does work in this context; it removes the credit from the initial author).

That's true Jason, but that's no reason to not market the support and dev services. People are going to remove the links, distribute the code etc. You can even encourage them to send you mods and improvements in exchange for shared credit. But leaving the link there, requesting that it is left there, and offering a premium version can make for some decent cash flow of the users who aren't coding, pirating or just tacky. My sugegstion wasn't for "fighting piracy" -- that would be dumb, like fighting the rain or the government or arguing with a woman. My suggestion is geared towards building value in the relevant users, ie. the ones with money and needs.

What you have to be careful of when doing something like this (sponsorship links) is that people WILL disable it and redistribute it. I've been there before...there's no use fighting it. The moment you release a product like that, it's out in the open, and it WILL be, to use to loosest form of the word, "pirated." (Yes, it does work in this context; it removes the credit from the initial author).


There is another way - you could release a plugin with a SQL injection vulnerability built in. Then "discover" it, and release a patch. Make sure the patch restores your link. And puts a different vulnerability in. Which you then patch. And restore your link. Etc.

I'm sure some big commercial software companies have been doing this for a long time. :error:
I made a phpBB theme with a link to my site in it. I never update the site, it just sits. It's got a PR of 6 and lots of backlinks. Sites I have made since then have always started out almost immediately with a PR of 1 less than this site.

It will show up places with your link removed, but most will leave it alone.
Many plugins have links back to the creator, and the licence for the plugin typically stipulates that the link remain. I'd offer it free w/the link, or a nominal fee to remove the link (add some sort of other value to it as well, something ephemeral like "premium support" so that you don't get on the hook with users.)


i think he's talking about in the footer of the persons site, not in the plugins section of the admin side.

FM, i would say if you fdo it, allow people to disable it. Iit would kind of be a stab at the WP community to force your footer link.

There is a plugin where a guy makes u give ur email and subscribe to some gay newsletter to get the plugin (different posts per page). I hate that guy..
just gave an email that i never use...
im working on a plugin at mo as well (ofc not as high tech as i suppose our friend here- just a small joke one). Ive got a small link at the bottom of the 'widget' that any tech savvy guy can remove. Im not to fussed, if it stays great if it doesn't oh well, but most likely only three people will download it!
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