Put me in touch: Ruby/Sinatra/Rails developers in Orlando?


Ruby on Rails Guy
May 21, 2013

So i'm helping out this non profit that focuses on creating awareness for stroke and help stroke survivors find resources they need on their path to recovery.

I am looking for someone to handover the torch to continue the job that i started to add more features along the way and help out the organization. Its difficult for me because i'm half way around the world and starting a new gig of my own.

If you're in Orlando or somewhere nearby, and would like a good paying regular gig, while getting the satisfaction of helping out thousands of survivors then let me know. I'll hand it over.

If you've deployed apps in Django/Laravel or similar frameworks, and are interested to learn Ruby/Rails, that would also be fine as well.

Sounds like a mess to handover... misc projects, misc languages...

Eek. No standardizations ?