Pussy related keyword question - for real

So I haven't posted in a while. Been in stealth marketing mode.

Since I'm getting better at affiliate marketing friends are asking me to help them with their websites. So I'm dabbling with a little SEO type consulting. I've been trying to help a friend with a site of hers and I got stumped about one thing.

Let's just say she's in a female-oriented personal hygiene/grooming niche. We're trying to come up with keywords for her to sell her product. About half the relevant keywords are "non-adult" words so I could throw those on a site hosted at any server. But she has at least 100,000 or more relevant keywords that use adult words....even though this isn't really an "adult" product. It's not porn, it's not sex toys. It's a hygiene/grooming item that a lot of people search for using words like pussy, vag, etc. when they want to buy it .

I realized that if she puts those "grown up" words on a site, then maybe her host will shut the site down? What's the best procedure if you're selling a grooming type item and want to target some of those sexual/body part keywords on your site to grab that traffic? Do I need to find a host that handles adult sites, even though there's no real x-rated material on it other than these adult keyphrases? I mean, we're talking pussy, vag, snatch those types of keywords.

Just realized I could ask you guys about this. I'm thinking maybe two sites - one targeting the "safe" keywords on one host, another site with the naughty words on an adult-friendly webhost - but does anybody know a good host for a site using xxx phrases? Who's friendly to pussy oriented keyphrases? Is there any protocol for getting these sites indexed or does Google automatically assume you're from a bad neighborhood if you use pussy words?

Thanks in advance for your help.

I think adult hosting is taking it a bit far if there are no pics or video. I'd be more concerned where to go to promote it than I would where it is hosted.
I wouldn't worry about the host as much as Google. "Adult" terms and mainstream on the same site don't do great SEO-wise. Adult terms will especially fuck you over with image search traffic - your G rated images will be filtered out at the default content filtering settings level on the Big G.

"I'm thinking maybe two sites - one targeting the "safe" keywords on one host, another site with the naughty words on an adult-friendly webhost
Do that. Webair, HostGator, PhatServers, and a ton of other hosts are adult friendly.

I think adult hosting is taking it a bit far if there are no pics or video.
Ditto on that.
Interestingly enough, the keyphrases using the adult keyphrases might actually be easy to get organic rankings for. Mostly because they're not used in a sex context and nobody else is targeting these keyphrases. She'll have to build the site for a while and yeah, backlinks might be a bitch, so we'll see.

No images that aren't G- rated on the site - everything is just pictures of the product and its packaging, plus generic happy photos of fully clad women. So I don't think she'll hit any Google filters with that.

But yeah, will Google totally piss on the site anyway because of the adult keyphrases? I'm not sure. Organic competition on these keyphrases SHOULD be very low in an ideal world because the keyphrases are things like "How can i stop this from happening with my pussy" - very specific long phrases, not sex related. And nobody is targeting these same phrases anywhere on their sites. I would hope she could still build backlinks by posting at adult friendly blogs that are do follow, maybe do a feature article or interview at some women's blogs, post on forums with a backlink, etc, but obviously article marketing will be out. Unless there's a sex-friendly article directory to get backlinks from? :)
I remember reading somewhere here recently about a member who had a blog using "some sex words" hosted on Bluehost and they suspended him without warning. Don't know if the guy also had porn images or whatever, but that's what got me wondering about the protocol of using "naughty" words on a site. I don't use Bluehost anymore (they suck) but are other sites picky about adult themes on sites? Maybe I'm being too much of a nervous nelly about it. I just want to give my friend accurate seo advice. Thanks again for the advice you guys have already provided in this thread.