Public Defender Jami Tillotson Arrested Illegally


Expert Gambling Writer
Oct 30, 2010
One of the things that WF really changed in me was going from just being afraid of the police to actively hating them as a general rule.


As the Public Defender's Office spokesperson explains, "[Tillotson] told the interrogating officer that she was the attorney and he said, 'I just need two minutes with him.’ When she asked why, he just said it was a police investigation. Then he started basically bullying her, telling her she’s interfering."

I realize this isn't the Eric Garner shit getting caught on tape here, but it's bullshit nonetheless.

I woke up to this video and instantly got infuriated. I think we're officially at the point where the US Government just doesn't care if we know they're in it for money & power, and will do nothing to uphold the constitution or the natural rights of its citizens.

Big ups to the public defender not making much money to defend random people and still going to jail for what she believes in.
we can't keep fucking voting for the status quo, big government bullshit that gets thrusted upon us each election. we gotta start putting these assholes on notice. Start somewhere, for fucks sake..
we can't keep fucking voting for the status quo, big government bullshit that gets thrusted upon us each election. we gotta start putting these assholes on notice. Start somewhere, for fucks sake..
People are the bullshit and people act in self-interest.

No one is born into government, but people driven by self-interest occupy the levers of power and influence.

When the Bill of Rights was written it worked beautifully - just the way it was designed to, just the way it's still admired and put on a pedestal in any law school in America.

But it was created in an age when a horse thief would hang and gentlemen would duel to the death over a social slight, much less a direct insult. ACTIONS HAD CONSEQUENCES. The wonderful, groundbreaking freedoms our nation introduced was underpinned by social contracts that have long since collapsed - whether by self-interested chiselers or the inevitable march of technological advance ... or any number of factors.

Frankly, it wouldn't phase me if they took the yoots and their lawyer out back to be shot. What made "rights" important died a long, long time ago. At this point a safer neighborhood is more important than regurgitating myths of liberty.

** please feel free to rebut, I have gnawing anxiety at a growing workload to finish before end of day
Re: the whole evil copper thing, I'm about halfway through this right now. Very interesting slash terrifying. Highly recommend.

[ame=""]Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces - Kindle edition by Radley Balko. Professional & Technical Kindle eBooks @[/ame]
Re: the whole evil copper thing, I'm about halfway through this right now. Very interesting slash terrifying. Highly recommend.

Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces - Kindle edition by Radley Balko. Professional & Technical Kindle eBooks @

I like Balko. But his position on cops frustrates me. He has - as recently as two years ago - recommended training to curtail cops' violent tendencies.

He doesn't address the fact that law enforcement agencies are a veritable monopoly. Further, their agents have many incentives, and few disincentives, to act poorly. Outside occasional episodes that spark public outcry, they can steal, beat, rape and murder without concern for consequences.

Training will not cure that problem.
I like Balko. But his position on cops frustrates me. He has - as recently as two years ago - recommended training to curtail cops' violent tendencies.

He doesn't address the fact that law enforcement agencies are a veritable monopoly. Further, their agents have many incentives, and few disincentives, to act poorly. Outside occasional episodes that spark public outcry, they can steal, beat, rape and murder without concern for consequences.

Training will not cure that problem.

That's a fair point. Ultimately the problem is vast and systemic. I think there's also a powerful strain of fear and authoritarianism in the U.S. that works in favor of any repressive authority structure.

But I like the historic take on the issue, the advent of SWAT, the drug war, etc.

But yeah, training will not fix anything. And the bottom line is that most of the people who want to be cops shouldn't be allowed to be cops.
That's a fair point. Ultimately the problem is vast and systemic. I think there's also a powerful strain of fear and authoritarianism in the U.S. that works in favor of any repressive authority structure.

But I like the historic take on the issue, the advent of SWAT, the drug war, etc.

But yeah, training will not fix anything. And the bottom line is that most of the people who want to be cops shouldn't be allowed to be cops.

I'd like to know what you think of Balko's book after you've finishing reading it. It's been on my reading list since he published it. :)
I'd like to know what you think of Balko's book after you've finishing reading it. It's been on my reading list since he published it. :)

I will report back. Probably something like "holy shit, we're all fucked...I'm moving to Ecuador...have fun with that creeping fascism, all y'all...I'm out!"
Training will not cure that problem.

I think its funny when a department states something like "bad training". Like these "police" are really so dumb they can only do what they are trained to do.

They are gang, robbers, crooks. Nothing more. There no "good cops" they are out to destroy your life and rape as much money from you as possible. They answer to no law and will use as much force as they want.
They are gang, robbers, crooks. Nothing more. There no "good cops" they are out to destroy your life and rape as much money from you as possible. They answer to no law and will use as much force as they want.

And even the cops who seem like moral people are anything but. They have stepped forward and said, "I want to be paid with monies taken under threat of violence to cage, and potentially kill, my peers for committing victim-less acts."

Cops don't deserve my respect. Nor will they receive my help if they're bleeding out.
It's not bad training, it's bad cops who need to lose their jobs and go to jail for this kind of crap.

The cop has to be an absolute moron to arrest a lawyer for no reason while on camera. But imagine it wasn't on camera he would probably get away with false charges.