Psych Questions for you Guys/Gals


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Well its back to the grind for college again. I a shitty psych class this semester and hopefully you guys can help with this.

Thanks in advance to anyone who gives some feedback on this.

What are the images, feelings, emotions or words you think of or associate with anything on this list:

1. Death

2. God

3. Fear of God

4. Anarchy

5. Motorcycle

6. Motorcycle Club

7. Gang

8. Salvation

9. Drugs

10. Vigilante Justice

1. Death

2. God

3. Fear of God

4. Anarchy

5. Motorcycle

6. Motorcycle Club
Homo Sexuals

7. Gang

8. Salvation

9. Drugs

10. Vigilante Justice
lol can you not do it yourself? really...?

lol i would but part of the assignment is go out and ask like 20 people, so i figured i would ask my wf buddies instead. and when i hand this in i can think :thefinger: professor
1. Death

2. God
Creepy guy

3. Fear of God

4. Anarchy

5. Motorcycle

6. Motorcycle Club

7. Gang

8. Salvation

9. Drugs

10. Vigilante Justice
V for Vendetta
Well its back to the grind for college again. I a shitty psych class this semester and hopefully you guys can help with this.

Thanks in advance to anyone who gives some feedback on this.

What are the images, feelings, emotions or words you think of or associate with anything on this list:

I didn't look at anyone elses answer beforehand, here's the first things that came to mind.

1. Death - Decay of a system which previously had a form of order.

2. God - Imagined sense of security.

3. Fear of God - Fear of self.

4. Anarchy - Human reaction to the status quo or 'system'. Revolution.

5. Motorcycle - Speed, danger, excitement.

6. Motorcycle Club - Ones need to express emotions experienced through a common medium.

7. Gang - Identity.

8. Salvation - Freedom.

9. Drugs - Alteration of mind, experimentation, discovery.

10. Vigilante Justice - Irrational, but most often socially acceptable reaction to an emotional scar left from the original 'crime'.
1. Death
It happens to other people
2. God
the thing I was told to believe in since childhood
3. Fear of God
Its what catholics & muslims think about
4. Anarchy
Revolution or new begining
5. Motorcycle
Another tool to persuade females to fuck
6. Motorcycle Club
old fat dudes fucking barflies and whores
7. Gang
Niggers gonna Nig
8. Salvation
Having a group of black people living in a secluded part of the plantation
9. Drugs
yet another tool to get pussy

10. Vigilante Justice
doing what the government should have done
1. Death -finality, sadness, grief, legacy, reflection

2. God - powerful, loving, hope

3. Fear of God - respect, reverence, obedience

4. Anarchy - Molotov cocktails, fire, chaos, lawlessness, fear, disorder

5. Motorcycle - fast, dangerous, helmet, death

6. Motorcycle Club - Hell's Angels, ZZ Top-looking men on motorcycles wearing leather jackets

7. Gang - MS13, tattooed Latinos, crime, drugs

8. Salvation - Jesus Christ, heaven, faith, freedom

9. Drugs - cocaine, heroin, meth, death

10. Vigilante Justice - crime, punishment, lynch mob
What are the images, feelings, emotions or words you think of or associate with anything on this list:

1. Death
From above

2. God
Dog backwards

3. Fear of God
Once bitten, twice shy

4. Anarchy
In the UK

5. Motorcycle

6. Motorcycle Club

7. Gang

8. Salvation

9. Drugs

10. Vigilante Justice
daily mail
For each item on the list, I end up seeing this:

[ame=]Kiss - Black Diamond (Live Midnight Special 1975) - YouTube[/ame]
1. Death - motorcycle

2. God - salvation

3. Fear of God - motorcycle club

4. Anarchy - vigilante justice

5. Motorcycle - death

6. Motorcycle Club - gang

7. Gang - fear of god

8. Salvation - drugs

9. Drugs - god

10. Vigilante Justice - anarchy
1. Death
I fear it, especially coz I have kids, but I also understand it will get all of us in the end

2. God
Not real. Dont understand how there is a dude in the sky who is controlling shit

3. Fear of God
There is no god.

4. Anarchy
Can be a powerful tool if used correctly. However, most times its not

5. Motorcycle
People who ride them, usually fall off

6. Motorcycle Club
Gruop of people with a similair interest. Some good, some not so good. Dont fuck with them and they wont fuck with you.

7. Gang
The bad version of club

8. Salvation
Isnt this when Christians stop fighting?

9. Drugs
Weed is good. Its a plant. All the other chemical shit I dont touch.

10. Vigilante Justice
Gang revenge