Proxy Site Partnership

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New member
Jul 25, 2006
Somewhere in the United States
Alright everyone this is what I have so far. I am looking for a partner to set up a proxy service with me. I need this partner to be able to create the site in photoshop and code and then insert the script into it so that the proxy is in the new layout. I already have the domain ready for the site and I have hosting till may 5th, 2007. The hosting is 20GB of space and 750GB of bandwidth so I'm thinking its plenty of space and bandwidth for a new proxy site. Now your thinking what is in it for me. Every month the profits will be splitted 45% / 45% so that you will get 45% of the profit. (most of these proxy sites after a month or two are making $200 a month in adsense traffic.) 45% will go to me for using my hard earned cash for the server it runs on. Now your wondering what the missing 10% is. Well that is to renew the domain in may and the hosting. Also this project may end up into more profit projects so be aware of this. This is a good money wise project if you are up to it and needs someone that is online a lot. If you are intrested in this partnership please get back to me because I wanna make this work.

Happy X-Mas,

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