Proxy question


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2009
How come if I go to "cmd" and type in ipconfig I get a different IP from what what shows?

And what if I want to switch my proxy everytime to run away from Google, how do I go about doing that?

Most home networks are setup in a NAT environment. That means you'll get a private IP address bound to your computer and a public IP addrss bound to your router. When you view the IP address via cmd you'll see your local IP address and when you view it via a website you'll get the public IP address.

I could break it down in more technical terms, but no offense I don't think you'd understand it and it would confuse you more.
Most home networks are setup in a NAT environment. That means you'll get a private IP address bound to your computer and a public IP addrss bound to your router. When you view the IP address via cmd you'll see your local IP address and when you view it via a website you'll get the public IP address.

I could break it down in more technical terms, but no offense I don't think you'd understand it and it would confuse you more.
Can you explain more in detail, I would love to learn about it. Also which IP does Google look at for spam content and blacklisting? What if I simply change the public address (the private doesnt change) so will that escape Google, or cause problems?
rofl is the localhost for each computer.

When you communicate outside your router your router will use your real IP address. On your network side, you can have dozens of subnets etc that all have different IP adresses but share the same IP to anyone outside your network, despite having different IPs on each computer within the network.

I have 4 computers, each with a private IP starting at - but when any of them communicates outside my network the address is