Prosper202 LP setup

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New member
Jan 10, 2008
Just started with this whole PPC stuff and would appreciate a few pointers regarding tracking. I've read that the tracking is important and want to get it down before I scale things up.

Let's say I am promoting an offer through Adwords and I have the following set up:

- I pass my clicks from Adwords to my landing page. (I pass in the KW that was clicked)
- My landing page has the 'Prosper202 Inbound Javascript Landing Page Code' installed.
- My landing page has a 'Click here for offer button' this links to the URL I got from the 'Get Links' page in Prosper 202. It looks like:

Code:<?php echo $_GET["kw"]; ?>
This link I believe will let me register the KW in Prosper to further track my clicks. It is then sent onto my offer.

However, in my 'Landing Page' stats in the analyse settings my clicks are, for example 200 and my click through is the same. I thought my clicks should be the number of people landing on my page and click throughs should be the actual people clicking on my link.

Also should I instead be using the 'Landing Page Outbound Tracking Affiliate URL' for the outbound click as opposed to the link I get from the 'Get Links' page? And if I do this then how can I track my KW / data passed from PPC?

Im pretty sure this isn't a bug hence why I didn't post it on the Prosper202 forums. I think I just don't get what the standard setup should be like.

Any help would be appreciated.

The destination URL you got from step 7 should have {keyword} attached to it if you're using Google or MSN and for yahoo, just have tracking urls turned on per instructions listed on step 7 when you create a linK!!!!

For simple LP, you can use either the outbound php code or the link itself.

They do have a support forum for this.
Your kw url should be this ->{keyword}
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