Prosper 202 users wanted


Mar 1, 2009
Dam I cant get prosper to work I've tried everything

I have posted on there forums but not much of a response, So i am turning to you guys

I have set up prosper on my server.
In the campaign overview I can see the clicks fine but leads are not showing.
When looking at my stats account the leads are showing there. I have added a global postback URL, here is a copy{subid}&amount={amount}&actions={actions}

or should it look like this?{subid}&amount={amount}&actions={actions}

I have also put my API keys in to my account setup.

My stats account is correct in the Offer Stats section but not Sub ID stats.
I am using Revolution 202, as well as Neverblue.
I am using the c1 for sub ids.

Tracking is a bitch without, please help

problem was we were using the c3 column to pass subids, instead of the c1 subid colum.

stats202 only grabs subids from the c1 column.
Problem looks as if it is fixed.
I was using Fat Cow hosting, and didn't realize that they don't meet the minimum requirements for Prosper 202.
I am an idiot and Revolution202 guys have been a great help in assisting me