Properly Converting Social Media Traffic 4 Adsense?


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Going to keep this short.

Been working on creating an authority, but aggregate a lot of interesting news within the niche. I then advertise the news content on social media such as Reddit, some traffic also comes in from Tumblr, Facebook and Pinterest.

This does alright traffic-wise so far, considering the site is fairly new, getting about 150-350 unique visitors/day, but conversion-wise it's doing pretty bad, I've had 0 clickthroughs so far.

I'm wondering what would be the best way to increase clickthroughs as far as Adsense goes. Also should any other monetization be considered, is Adsense just not good for Social Media traffic? (I've heard Reddit traffic is pretty bunk and has a high bounce rate).

I'd really appreciate any help or insights into this matter, I know some of you like to game these traffic sources and are already wizened in regards to this.

Seeing similar issue. Is your content targeted to the same audience?

Had 300 visitors from reddit yesterday. My bounce rate is 90%+ but my bad as I was testing something out and submitted an article that was not really targeted. Content was fine but could be not targeted to reddit audience.
If you're asking if I posted my articles on the appropriate subreddits then yes, I always post accordingly to make sure I get the correct visitors, but Reddit traffic is just very general or miscellaneous I find.

If you're asking if I target my content for Reddit users then I don't think I understand exactly what you mean and I'll need you to elaborate more on that.
I mean even within the specific subreddit topic it is not the right niche.

For example if I goto /r/aviation and they just want to see pics of planes and discussions about planes and I posted a technical article on latest flight test design model etc there might be a sub sector of that subreddit might be interested but majority will not.
Ah, yes I'm posting on the correct subreddits and have done experiments with different ones as well. They all convert like shit.
Ah, yes I'm posting on the correct subreddits and have done experiments with different ones as well. They all convert like shit.

This is only for Reddit? Not every niche works for every social sites. Certain sites are going to attract certain demographics.

Ex. If I have a bank client, I'm not going to bother posting on Pinterest/Instagram - it's just additional branding.

I would suggest looking at all your competitor's sites and using something like Scrapebox to pull up all their pages and use the Social Checker add-on to see what's being shared and where. Hone in on what is being shared the most and where (aka reverse engineering).

There's definitely a type of content that is more social media sharing friendly (it provokes shares and clicks so more impressions).

Depending on niche around 100 views a day from social can still be very uninterested people who would never buy your products/services or click your ads even though they're clicking your stuff.

If people in your niche are Reddit crazy and getting a lot of shares I would suggest going to Reddit, type in your keyword, and hit Top (for top rated posts). Then reverse engineer that data too.

Feel free to PM me site if you want

Edit: and fuck Adsense. Maybe if you were interested in reselling it quickly because I hear sometimes Adsense sites can resell higher because people see potential or ease from it. I'm not hugely experienced in that area (flipping sites)