Proper etiquette advice...


New member
Jul 22, 2011
New Jersey
So, a good friend of mine and his wife gave my fiance and I a generous gift certificate to a nice restaurant local to us... Does proper etiquette state that we should bring this friend and his wife to the dinner w/ us as the dollar amount is certainly above what 2 people would use for a single night out at this place...

Just to note, we didn't have an engagement party. My buddy just gave this gift for the sake of giving...

Well if he wanted to eat there, he would have invited you guys to eat with them there instead of giving you the gift.

Regardless you now own him a favor since you accepted it. He probably got it for cheap.
If he wanted to go, he would have invited you and picked up the tab...

Buy him a nice bottle of wine in return!
Why is everyone saying to buy him something in return? That doesn't even make sense.

He gave it to you as an engagement gift. You don't have to give him anything in return or take him to eat with you. However, next time you have to buy a gift for him don't be a cheap ass and get him something decent.
The proper way to repay your buddy is to let him have a go with your fiance. You go out to dinner alone, and get to eat two dinners, and he gets to spend some quality time inside the woman you love.

Afterwards, you can exchange notes.
So, a good friend of mine and his wife gave my fiance and I a generous gift certificate to a nice restaurant local to us... Does proper etiquette state that we should bring this friend and his wife to the dinner w/ us as the dollar amount is certainly above what 2 people would use for a single night out at this place...

Just to note, we didn't have an engagement party. My buddy just gave this gift for the sake of giving...

As mentioned by others, your friend could have invited you out for dinner and picked up the tab, however chose to go the gift certificate route, so that's a good indication that you don't have to ask them to join you.

However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't. If you and your fiance get along well with them then invite them out. They may very well decline, however if they do accept that's fine as well.

When it comes time to pay for the bill, you should offer to use the GC. At this point your friend will either decline and offer to pay for their share (and by your description, you would only be using about half your GC) or your friend may pick up the entire tab, he'll thank you for inviting them and offering to use your GC for everyone, and you will part ways having eaten at the fine establishment with good company and your entire GC still in tact.

Worst case scenario, and it's not really a bad thing, is that they accept and you use your entire GC to cover the bill. You still got a great night out with good company and at no expense to yourself.