Prop 19 did not pass.

If that cant pass in California, it pretty much has no chance anywhere else in the country. I thought it would have passed, or at least been a close vote.

It does prove a point, though. People who smoke pot arent motivated. So instead of going and voting, they stayed home and smoked out - or they were too stoned to figure out how to vote. Or, they wrote in Mary Jane as a write in candidate for governor.
I haven't followed up much on the whole legalization debate, but would it be far fetched to believe the alcohol/tobacco industries would lobby against pot being legalized?

Alcohol particularly as I would assume you would see a decent drop in sales since more people would get their high another more healthy/legal way + no hangover.

I drink quite a bit but I don't really want to mess with the high price of pot and the legality headaches of weed. If it were legal though, those headaches would go away.
I don't smoke so I guess I don't follow this very closely but I'm confused - I thought weed has been legal in Cali for years? Don't they have dispensaries for weed and all that shit?

its legal for medicinal purposes, in which you need a med card to legally buy weed in cali
If the changing of the guard yesterday (from people who can't get things fixed "fast enough") to the people who screwed things up doesn't illustrate how stupid the American Electorate is--the Prop 19 vote does.

It would of made that state so much money in taxes-tariffs-tourists , taken away money making avenue from organized crime, and eased the tax burden on the criminal justice system.

I don't even like weed (I'm more of a fan of Vodka), but goddamn... If Cali can't do it America is fucked...

“The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.”
-Winston Churchill
oregon's marijuana expansion measure failed as well. Young people just didn't show up while the old people bussed in from the old folks home in droves.

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oregon's marijuana expansion measure failed as well. Young people just didn't show up while the old people bussed in from the old folks home in droves.


My friend who grows told me it's quite simple to get a grow license over there in Oregon. You just have to network your way into meeting one of the handful of doctors who will license you as a grower for medical patients.

These doctors will license you to grow if you have the cash to pay them. And if you want to be prescribed pot legally, you need to pay them to say that you have ______ condition that pot alleviates.
Not true, that shit would definitely pass in FL :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

I can tell you've never voted in Florida...

Florida hasn't had a liberal governor since 1999 and the state is 80% conservative. Not to mention, there are only 3-4 liberal counties in the whole state depending on the election year.

Most of Florida is like the deep south.

Elections 2010: Florida
People talk a big game, but when it comes time to pull the trigger, most fall back on what's easy and comfortable. Weed being illegal has been the status quo for how long now? People generally don't like change.
I can tell you've never voted in Florida...

Florida hasn't had a liberal governor since 1999 and the state is 80% conservative. Not to mention, there are only 3-4 liberal counties in the whole state depending on the election year.

Most of Florida is like the deep south.

Elections 2010: Florida

I'd vote for it. You in soupy? Now we just need to convince a few million more people. Let's do this!!!!
Weed being illegal to a status quo that was created from a misinformed public, by those with an agenda. People don't like change, fuck me running. California is so broke it can't pay attention, this would have been an easy way to save lives in Mexico and start a whole new industry that would have broken down barriers as soon as other states saw the money in this shit. (And by industry I mean whole sub section of jobs from tourism down to research.) Not to mention the other industrial products created from it as well, equates to jobs, money, etc. Fuck it, status quo is good, flush all that shit down the toilet. Then- think of all of the lives saved from alcohol use, I don't smoke, but I do drink, and I can tell you it is much more dangerous driving while drunk than stoned, I know you shouldn't be driving regardless. So fucking stupid. Fuck you California.
Prop 19 was a joke. Live in Cali & wanna smoke weed but afraid of getting a citation for it? Go buy a medical recommendation for $60 bucks.

As for all of you complaining, maybe you should've gotten your stoner asses out to vote. Me?? I'm smoking a bowl right now. My rights haven't changed this week either way. At least its not another TAX to pay just bc I wanna toke up (tax which, the way Prop 19 was written, would fund police departments, not roads and education and shit.
Good. Prop 19 was fucked up anyways. It would raise fines for "gifting" marijuana (passing the joint) to $1,000 (currently just $100 in cali)

Also, currently (under prop 215) medical users are allowed to smoke in their own homes without restriction. Under prop 19, you would not be able to smoke in your own home if their are minors present.

And it would still be illegal to obtain your marijuana from anyone but a licensed dispensary under prop 19.

We should be aiming for true legalization, not this bullshit.

Stoners Against the Prop. 19 Tax Cannabis Initiative: WHY PRO-POT ACTIVISTS OPPOSE PROP. 19: 19 REASONS TO VOTE KNOW
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