Proof That Vaccines Didn't Save Us


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
History shows us that vaccines did NOT eradicate the diseases that plagued humanity. That is a common misconception -- in actual fact, it was better sanitation and hygiene in the cities that prevented the spread of diseases. These charts, from official sources, show us that vaccines (1) were not responsible, and are not necessary, for eliminating infectious diseases, (2) are not effective, and (3) are dangerous.

Source Proof That Vaccines Didn't Save Us | Gene's Green Book

There has been threads about vaccines before, but I thought I'll put this one up as the link above provides charts from sources such as the medical journal etc.

I guess one could say that the act of vaccinating tends to raise awareness in one's health that our behavior as a whole tends to shift to the sole benefits.

I remember they wanted to give my kids a vaccine for chicken pox, I just looked at them funny like... why, never saw anyone die from chicken pox, at most they might have a few scars from scratching at the damn thing, and I just felt that getting it once would be far more effective than vaccinating for it especially when kids at such a young age already have problems handling vaccinations. We never bothered vaccinating the family for the H1N1 virus (Well I got vaccinated just in case, as kind of the guinea pig if the rest of the family ever caught it, since someone would have to be 'well' to look after them, but I'm 29 years old, not 2 years old, better chance at handling a vaccine's side effect)

Glad I didn't bother when the H1N1 vaccine specifically for the rest of the family, seeing how much of a fail that turned out to be especially with media hype.
Hmm, yes, that site would probably recommend we listen to the healing sounds of Gregorian Chants instead (in their "Intelligent Design" section) or perhaps opt for some 'herbal alternatives'.

The graphs show a bunch of selective data, but no mention of Polio or Smallbox, for which the evidence is overwhelming that vaccination did help. Instead the graphs focus on TB, measles and whooping cough and for all these there is evidence to back either direction - similar graphs can be produced to support the exact opposite direction if different data sets are used.
Hey u know what..i was given vaccination for Mumps but i still got it :-( doc said this usually does not happen and i was a special am not sure if these vaccinations really work
No vaccine is 100% effective.

In addition is enough people refuse to get vaccinated and a population does not reach whats called 'herd immunity' (usually over about 80%) that puts everyone at greater risk.
Hillarious site, lets see a report on a credible journal that supports your position, not just cherry picked crap. Do you honestly think that Polio and Smallpox for example weren't destroyed by vaccines? The anti vax movement are really just a bunch of loons, just look at the links down the side of the site you posted:

9/11 Truth
Big Pharma
Gregorian Chants

etc etc, they all attract a similar type of person, and are all bullshit.

On a related note, the guy that originally brought up the MMR thing in the UK has recently been fucked:
Damning verdict on doctor who linked MMR and autism - health - 29 January 2010 - New Scientist

Hey u know what..i was given vaccination for Mumps but i still got it :-( doc said this usually does not happen and i was a special am not sure if these vaccinations really work

Vaccines aren't 100% effective, it is still possible, just unlikely that you will get whatever it is you were vaccinated against. Look up 'herd immunity' if you want to find out why it was probably someone that hadn't been vaccinated for some reason that lead to you getting Mumps.
Hillarious site, lets see a report on a credible journal that supports your position, not just cherry picked crap. Do you honestly think that Polio and Smallpox for example weren't destroyed by vaccines? The anti vax movement are really just a bunch of loons, just look at the links down the side of the site you posted:

9/11 Truth
Big Pharma
Gregorian Chants

etc etc, they all attract a similar type of person, and are all bullshit.

On a related note, the guy that originally brought up the MMR thing in the UK has recently been fucked:
Damning verdict on doctor who linked MMR and autism - health - 29 January 2010 - New Scientist

Vaccines aren't 100% effective, it is still possible, just unlikely that you will get whatever it is you were vaccinated against. Look up 'herd immunity' if you want to find out why it was probably someone that hadn't been vaccinated for some reason that lead to you getting Mumps.

What the fuck is this plagiarism?

I love Gregorian Chants.
Hahaha, there's only one disease that's ever been eradicated - small pox. Which is interesting because...well...the first vaccine ever created was...oh, for fuck sake, it was the small pox vaccine. CRAZY!! The first and only disease ever to be eradicated was also the disease associated with the world's oldest vaccine? No correlation there obviously.
Hahaha, there's only one disease that's ever been eradicated - small pox. Which is interesting because...well...the first vaccine ever created was...oh, for fuck sake, it was the small pox vaccine. CRAZY!! The first and only disease ever to be eradicated was also the disease associated with the world's oldest vaccine? No correlation there obviously.

How do you know if small pox didn't reduce despite the small pox vaccination?

Smallpox graphs

In one of the graphs you'll see the death rate was higher in 'protected' regions to unprotected region.

Another example is
graph reveals that in England and Wales there was a continuing decline in the annual death rate from smallpox, with a reduction in mortality of roughly 300 per million to virtually 0, taking place in the 60 year period following the middle of the last century. This table further illustrates that the progressive rate of decline was severely disrupted--with a roughly 275 percent increase in mortality from the disease--occurring immediately after smallpox vaccination laws were enforced

Go have a read of that link
one thing that's hugely fucked up is the amount vaccinations they want to give babies. we told our pediatrician no, fortunately she was 100% cool with it.
why, never saw anyone die from chicken pox, at most they might have a few scars from scratching at the damn thing.
But if they for some reason don't get it as a kid then theres always the chance of contracting it as an adult. There are often complications when that happens.
But if they for some reason don't get it as a kid then theres always the chance of contracting it as an adult. There are often complications when that happens.

Yes complications happens when childhood diseases are postponed till adulthood. That's why children should just be allowed to get chicken pox.

With regard to chicken pox vaccinations, it has been associated with higher number of shingle cases

Chicken pox vaccine associated with shingles epidemic

New research published in the International Journal of Toxicology (IJT) by Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D., reveals high rates of shingles (herpes zoster) in Americans since the government's 1995 recommendation that all children receive chicken pox vaccine.

Goldman's research supports that shingles, which results in three times as many deaths and five times the number of hospitalizations as chicken pox, is suppressed naturally by occasional contact with chicken pox.
If something has been politicized and you can find a "reputable" source to backup what you believe the exact opposite and equally "reputable" source can be found as a counter point.

The Anti-Immunization Activists: A Pattern of Deception

And this guys refutations reference the same impressive looking graphs in site the posted by the OP. Concerning the mortality rate/graph fallacy:

Anyone who visits an old graveyard will realize childhood mortality dropped substantially during the century before the vaccines were introduced. The vast majority of childhood deaths have historically been from the infectious diseases.
The obvious fallacy in Brstrianyk's paper is that he never cites the TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES of the diseases in question, only the death rates. If the vaccines really don't work, somebody as diligent as Brstrianyk would present data from public health sources indicating equally dramatic declines in the numbers of people who got the diseases and recovered. Rather than conclude that the vaccines do not work, Brstriank's graphs merely show that between 1900 and 1950, we got better at keeping sick people from dying.