Promoting What Folks Don't Know They Want?


New member
Feb 29, 2012
I think a good example of marketers manage to creat a demand for something that most folks never thought about needing are the "as seen on TV" products.

But in my case, I am trying to help promote an indie writers. Nobody is searching right now, so it is not a simple matter of SEOing on the name of the book or author.


By the way - first post - HAI GUYS!
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I had to create demand for a different type of product that people did not know existed.

The tactic was to find people with the problem that the product solved.

In your case - a novel - I guess go find out where people who like the genere of fiction hang out - also, maybe sites for indie writers.

Also, I know a lady who does indi fiction - she uses her pen name on Facebook and has quite a good following - but she works at it constantly

Finally - press releases.
Maybe SEO isn't the right tool for the job for something like that? What about getting it reviewed by someone who does get traffic?
In your case - a novel - I guess go find out where people who like the genere of fiction hang out - also, maybe sites for indie writers. --> <-- ::emp::
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If nobody is searching for your specific terms, have you tried going for more generic keywords?

Such as keywords related to:

1. How to become a writer
2. How do I publish my own book
3. How do I sell my book/story/poem/whatever
etc, etc, etc.

Just stuff like that. Get them to visit your site and sell them on your own pitch. Like you mentioned in your opening sentence about the late night tv guys selling that random stuff lol.