Promoting Parked Domains - Got White Hat Tips?

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
This issue seems to have some gray area as the parking companies say one thing in print but if you talk to a rep they are a bit more vague.

Can anyone comment with insights here?

Would article marketing be considered a no no?

What about directory submissions (some still accept them)?

What about includes in email blasts?

Email signatures?

Also, which one of those companies allows you to add content, is it I still see some people using PPC and the pages people have up are clearly parked pages with about 500 words of content thrown in - not all useless I might ad...

Looking forward to your 411...

Oh PS I tried searching some DNForum threads but didn't really find as much info as I want (perhaps I didn't look well enough)
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Yes, allows you to add code and content at the bottom, even links.
If you want to promote parked domains, and be clearly inside the TOS, you need to use any method that creates type in traffic.

And, as always, I have already answered this question here:

And since this is the sixth time I find a question that I have already answered, I will never reply to these kinds of questions again. This is getting irritating. Those who want to, can read my techniques. The others can sit around waiting for someone to answer to them.

This is not an attack at you riddarhusetgal.
This is not an attack at you riddarhusetgal.[/quote]

....And since this is the sixth time I find a question that I have already answered, I will never reply to these kinds of questions again. This is getting irritating. Those who want to, can read my techniques. The others can sit around waiting for someone to answer to them.

This is not an attack at you riddarhusetgal.[/quote]

Been around for a while so I tend not to post questions whose answers I'm satisfied with AFTER having used

As mentioned earlier, I checked archives in DNForum as well

And, as always, I have already answered this question here: Burn the parking lot

Good stuff on your blog but not exactly what I am looking for...

If you want to promote parked domains, and be clearly inside the TOS, you need to use any method that creates type in traffic.

This is why I have posted in the first place. TOS says one thing, "practice" says another depending on the rep that you talk to. - Perhaps I wasn't as clear as I could have been. Common "gray" area practice is what I am collecting data points around.

This is not an attack at you riddarhusetgal.
Not at all - answering - or asking - useless queries is hardly anyone's highest income producing activities....
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