Promoting Firefox on MSN

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New member
Oct 8, 2006
Just thought I'd write a little about it for anyone that is interested or is thinking about doing it.

Using MSN's Adcenter I started a Firefox Adsense campaign. Used to average 3rd position for .17 cents back in August, seeing 400% ROI on 3 campaigns. When the 4th campaign only yielded me 150% ROI I stopped. Made a post about my success on a couple of boards because I remember Shoe saying it wasn't worth his time...but I made a killing.

I still had the domain and that great landing page sitting around so I decided to run another Adcenter campaign a week ago.

Now a quarter (.25) on popular keywords won't even get me in to the top 5. No conversions and only 2% of my budget has been used.

I can't see myself bidding .50 on a keyword only to make .50. So now I see what Shoe was talking about.

So to sum it all up...I was making a kiling back in August practically stealing keywords and now I can't make shit because there seems to be more competition on something as small as $1 CPA.

Share ideas, share techniques, share theories. but keep your goldmine private. We all feel good about sharing our accomplishments with the world, but at the expense of losing our income. psssh! forget it! :ak:
Dru hit the nail, you don't see him talking about getting into the gay porn industry.

Well thats why after my ROI went down I posted about my success.

So now I'm sharing my apparent failure with you guys. I will allow the campaign to run the course and I will not increase my bids.

We'll see what happens.
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