Promoting dating offers

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New member
May 4, 2009
Hey guys I've never done dating before, but found a great little offer that I can't just pass by. I have a few little ideas brewing right now but really wanted to see what people's experience was on this.

Which things should I avoid, Which things have been known to work, etc etc.

I also heard that some advertisers bitch if you're doing really high volume.

anyway feel free to chip in, I'll watch as many spinning dicks as I need to...

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that is a good picture .

I'm about to start a ~dating~ campaign, too. It's sooo going to fail, oh well.
gif SAVED.

lambor, there are so many different angles one can take when promoting dating. Summarize some of your ideas and you'll likely get better advice.
I also heard that some advertisers bitch if you're doing really high volume.

Why would they bitch?

Why would you want to do the offer if they do?

Isn't high volume the goal?
gif SAVED.

lambor, there are so many different angles one can take when promoting dating. Summarize some of your ideas and you'll likely get better advice.

meh nothing to fantastic, a few interesting keyword-LP combos that might work....
they dont care about high volume as long as you are not giving them shitty leads. If you give them shit they will just scrub almost all of your shit no matter if it was good or not.
they dont care about high volume as long as you are not giving them shitty leads. If you give them shit they will just scrub almost all of your shit no matter if it was good or not.

yeah mate that's the thing, but with any half decent method the leads will prolly convert like shit
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