Promoting Car Security Systems?


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I'm trying to promote a physical item which is a car security system that allows you to track your car if it gets stolen.

I'm not sure how to go about promoting something like this though. I was thinking adwords but the cost and competition there is crazy, for something like this.

Then I was thinking a pre sell about how someones car got stolen adn they used this item to get it back etc.

Have you got any ideas as to how I'd promote this item? Would banners at car forums online etc work?

I'd love to hear some ideas on this please?

There's a few problems with this:
Most Newer Cars come with a system like this in place.
Stiff Competition (you yuorself mentioned)
People with older cars generally don't give a shit about their car as much.
Mmmm... just a thought... maybe media buying is what you are looking for.

Find a place that suits your traffic needs, you will have to pay for the spot and see the customers coming.

The truth is... it's not that easy, so it may take you a couple of tries until you find the spot that will bring you customers and not mere visitors.

I really don't recommend using PPC unless you are very experienced, you don't want to see your money wasted on a non-successful campaign.

Really hope it helps :)

On new cars GPS tracking is usually an option. And there are plenty of cars inbetween old and brand new who would like this option.

The reason I know this is that there are loads of subscription services (lojack, instamapper etc) who charge on an ongoing monthy basis, for these services.

The unit I have is a one time payment.

Surely there's got to be interest for this, but where would aim?
That is something that I will actually buy for myself.

I will go for the ones that are planing to buy a car or to change it, you will be able to find many keywords related, then you will target to your wanted market :)

Go to a newsstand or a Barnes and Nobles. Pick up all the car magazines there. Try media buys on their websites.

That's something I just pulled out of my ass. Start from there.
I'd try sponsoring high end car forums. There are loads of car forums. I'm a member of a few. All of the ones I'm a member of have sponsor sections. That's like media buy on a small scale. You can also offer a group by price if forum members organize themselves and buy volume. That way at least you can get a word out and start getting it sold, maybe not at a good price, but it's a start. Eventually word of mouth will catch on.
I'm running the PPC (Adwords) campaign for a major supplier and installer here in South Africa. Over 2000% ROI per month over the past 3 months and starting a full roll out on a SEO package in Jan or Feb next year to coincide with a major site rebuild so Fuck Yes there is money in the niche if you are competent!

Basically I just set up a simple lead gen page (VERY vanillla) on thier domain to capture names and phone numbers and then let thier own call center close the deals.
Integrational Marketing.
Just do private deals with dealers. It requires face to face and a pair of balls, but its not that hard.
That way you are reaching the exact buyers and u dont have advertising costs.
Integrational Marketing.
Just do private deals with dealers. It requires face to face and a pair of balls, but its not that hard.
That way you are reaching the exact buyers and u dont have advertising costs.

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Wow thanks guys, some great ideas here. I'm going to try some content network PPC. Previously I've found that adwords search was expensive and I have decent 7/10 QS so I figured this was an expensive area generally.

Also, the PPV sounds good too. Perhaps I could try and popup over some related sites and forums, and see what happens. The forum sponsor idea sounds like a good idea too.

Thank you.