Project Loon by Google


Chronic Crypto
Mar 17, 2008
Project Loon is a network of balloons traveling on the edge of space, designed to connect people in rural and remote areas, help fill coverage gaps, and bring people back online after disasters.

[ame=]Project Loon: The Technology - YouTube[/ame]

Loon for All ? Project Loon ? Google

As far as connectivity it seems like it is to deliver at least 3g speeds. What that means exactly is hard to say, maybe a couple mbps.
inb4 big business ISPs commission "studies" that try to convince us all of the dangers of free internet access. Then, when that fails, they call up their bought and paid for politician and outlaw it or pass laws that make it impossible for the project to continue.

trap laws.
As far as connectivity it seems like it is to deliver at least 3g speeds. What that means exactly is hard to say, maybe a couple mbps.

I'm thinking that somehow G Fiber (assuming they can get it to work) is integrated into this technology (assuming they can get it to work).
I'm thinking that somehow G Fiber (assuming they can get it to work) is integrated into this technology (assuming they can get it to work).

We're talking about one of the most innovative companies in the last decade. I think they'll manage just fine if government doesn't completely throttle innovation with regulation as they so often do.
Network in the sky
Sky Network
Sky Net

Only John Connor can save us.

Except John Connor now looks like this;
