Profanity in FB ads?


Own the Internet
Aug 6, 2010
First off I apologize if I'm "outing" an ad, let me know and I can edit out the link.

But I was just surfing FB and noticed an ad presented to me that had "FUCK" in the image. Check it out:


Any word on if this is going to be allowed? It would seem to certainly open some floodgates. Or did this one just get past the moderators?

Lol, funny shit. Didn't see it blended out in the image. Pretty sure the FB reps missed it, since it's so subtle. Not the mention that using that wording so subtle in the ad wouldn't help with any CTR increase, since it would actually require staring at the pic to see it.
Maybe its my monitor, but the 'fuck' jumped right out at me. Possible tactic, as I did happen to notice this ad.
Reps definitely missed the word "Fuck". 100% wouldn't get approved if they noticed it.

I didn't see it at all right away, would be an interesting test to see if it would increase CTRs sicne half of you had it jump out at you.
They def missed it, but funny lol, FB is strict so someone lappsed on that ad... is it still running? Be funny if that ad was getting traffic to the affiliate still. lucky sob lol