Problogger Advice

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New member
Aug 18, 2008
I've been a full time blogger for the last four years now, and have learned a fair bit about content creation, promotion, linking, and direct ad sales, as well as CPM and CPC offers, but I've never got anything affiliate related to work out for me.

Even in promoting a paid WordPress theme my adwords was such that I was spending three times what I was earning.

I've tried a bunch of different niches, different keyword methodologies, and always I spend more than I make.

Surely, some of you have gone through this before, and I was wondering if anyone had any tips to break that loosing cycle?

I am not alone in finding that static sales pages sell better than blogs do. I run lots of blogs, but tend to use them to filter traffic to my sales pages.

If I was going to spend money on PPC I'd send it right to my low distraction, targetted page - but that's me.

Note those flogs (fake blogs) out there. They don't tend ot have a lot of distracting links, etc. like real blogs do
I am not alone in finding that static sales pages sell better than blogs do.

If I was going to spend money on PPC I'd send it right to my low distraction, targetted page - but that's me.

Listen to this woman & fuck those blogs off.
.. glad to get that off my chest-

anyways, all murders aside, I'm in the same spot. Im using widget bucks, and they suck when it comes to earnings, but their ads look so much better than adsense crap. I'll stick with them till they are worth something higher up in the foodchain. Until then, Im fucked
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