problems with focus

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New member
Jan 19, 2008
Hey guys

Do you ever get this: you know what you need to be doing, you know how to do it, you have all the tools and knowledge and experience.

Yet you just can't sit down and do it. Not sure how to explain this. It's like my mind just doesn't want to "kick into" work. It feels like brain fog and I end up doing some stupid stuff like browsing forums or reading wikipedia or watching tv.

I've tried exercise, coffee, gets lots of sleep, getting little sleep, avoiding alcohol, getting drunk the night before. Sometimes I wake up and I'm ready to roll, clear mind, dedicated attitude.

About half the time I can't even make it to the store to buy food or pay the bills.

What's up with this?

You just described me.

Trust me man I know where you're coming from.

I have some great tips to overcome it but I'm too lazy to type it out now..

mortgage payments
car payments
utilities payment
insurance payment
school tuition payment
grocery bill
savings and retirement funding



all the focus I need...
This should fix the problem:
I'm the same way, but when I do get to it I can't stop, and then I'm pissed I'm not working. I just can't win.
Well I realized that wasn't of much help. So, it sounds like you have ADHD. The above pills are Aderall, which is a substance that is prescribed to people with ADHD. It's basically a legal amphetamine (if prescribed) that makes users with ADHD focus. For people without ADHD, it acts like speed.

I recommend you go see a doctor about this. It could also be some other issue (anxiety maybe? I don't know...) so check with them. Hope that helps...
Ritalin/Adderall sucks. If your going to use them recreationally get ready to lose massive volume in your penis and feel like your going to die cause your heart is going at 180 bpm.

Definitly check up with your doctor first instead of buying them illegally dude.

But if your going to use drugs to help you I recommend marijuana strains under the Sativa group. Look for something called 'Haze'. That shit makes me so energetic and lively, I get shit done. :p
Ritalin/Adderall sucks. If your going to use them recreationally get ready to lose massive volume in your penis and feel like your going to die cause your heart is going at 180 bpm.

Definitly check up with your doctor first instead of buying them illegally dude.

But if your going to use drugs to help you I recommend marijuana strains under the Sativa group. Look for something called 'Haze'. That shit makes me so energetic and lively, I get shit done. :p
A strong sativa is a great business plan if your business plan is to heavily invest in cheetos and chili fries.
Low-Mid grade hybrids are much better imo for productivity. 1-2 packs out of a 1 hitter about 20 minutes before wanting to be functional.
Yes and I've never experienced loss of volume, hence me asking where the fuck that came from. To each there own, not all people are the same.
A strong sativa is a great business plan if your business plan is to heavily invest in cheetos and chili fries.
Low-Mid grade hybrids are much better imo for productivity. 1-2 packs out of a 1 hitter about 20 minutes before wanting to be functional.

everyone is affected differently then. indicas are what makes me lazy and hungry and drained of energy
Yes and I've never experienced loss of volume, hence me asking where the fuck that came from. To each there own, not all people are the same.

We'll be the judge of that. Post pics immediately.
im exactly like you! I know so much, but just can't sit down and do it.
I have days where I can't get anything done no matter how much I try. My mind wanders, I have no focus, etc. It's part of the game. Everyone has days like that. But, if it's a persistent focus problem, I have some simple advice:

I know this has been beat into the ground a million times but staying on a consistent schedule is the best possible thing you can do to maintain focus.

Trust me. ;)
Nope. Hadn't heard of it till you asked actually.
...stoner fail :(

That is the strongest Sativa I have ever, ever, smoked in my life.

Me and my friend were walking in circles for 10 minutes straight, talking to each other telepathically. What. the. fuck. We went outside for a few minutes, and mind you, he lived in the area his whole life and I knew it well too... but we didn't know how to fucking navigate. We didn't even know which car was his.

it was like a shrooms dose

lol oh yeah we were walking outside but instead of walking straight we were walking, slowly, diagonally.

what a mind fuck. we thought we were walking straight but our feet kept taking us to the edge

fuck man I wish i can get that shit again

(and yes I know i sound like a dumbass, but if you ever got inebriated on cannabis you know where im coming from hahah)
I know this has been beat into the ground a million times but staying on a consistent schedule is the best possible thing you can do to maintain focus.

I have the same problem and this is exactly what works for me : Make it a habit, do it every day, start with 5 minutes sessions (break your big stuff in smaller stuff if you need to) and stop finding excuses not to start.

Drugs are tools like notepad or your chair. If you don't get anything done to start with, you won't do better with more tools.
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