

Nov 20, 2011
I have an employee who lives 3.5 hours away, a physical contract for physical work. He has a vehicle home with him and I just ship materials to him so he can do his job.

One thing I'm having a problem with is his hours. Right now he tallys his hours up at the end of the week and sends me them - I pay and never had to ask many questions.

Now latley it seems as if he is taking the piss a little with hours, maybe 3-4 jobs equal 40 hours where before 40 hours would have been like 6-7 jobs.

Does anyone have any experience running a remote employee and tracking their time.

Tried searching around and most time tracking apps/web soft but its a little overcomplicated for just a single employee.

Maybe go out and plan a visit. You know, build on your relationship with one another. Ask him nicely, what's going on? Get him feeling like he wants to work like he used to again. Sounds like he lost a little motivation. That's why I love doing work for people on here. I can relate to almost everyone I work with. We get along, it's fun, we share penis pics. Nobody thinks of screwing anyone over. But yeah, it's amazing how a face to face visit can change a lot of things. Maybe bring a few strippers with you. Dangle a fucking carrot over his head. If all else fails, fire the fucking kid and find someone else.
Install a webcam in his bathroom, so you'll make up for the loss by selling the videos online.
Maybe go out and plan a visit. You know, build on your relationship with one another. Ask him nicely, what's going on? Get him feeling like he wants to work like he used to again. Sounds like he lost a little motivation. That's why I love doing work for people on here. I can relate to almost everyone I work with. We get along, it's fun, we share penis pics. Nobody thinks of screwing anyone over. But yeah, it's amazing how a face to face visit can change a lot of things. Maybe bring a few strippers with you. Dangle a fucking carrot over his head. If all else fails, fire the fucking kid and find someone else.

It's been a while since I visited but we are due one in a couple of weeks. I trust the guy completely I just feel like after a good bit of time has passed the hours can start to creep up if I have not seen him in a while.

The amount of money being paid is not a problem, he is bringing in revenue of like £7k/month and the cost of his wages and running him and another employee are about £2-3k/month. but I feel like I'm being taken for a ride sometimes where this money would be better spent else-where.
You need to go out there and visit him. Take him out, maybe go get some drinks, bond a little...

Then take him home and give him the D
They're scamming you and having a laugh about it behind your back.

I used to do this with my boys and we only did one job for $3k/month. Easy money. We were laughin and hollerin behind how much we were fucking over our boss.

Stop being a little bitch and pay some mexicans to do your work on a per-project, not per-hour basis.

While you're at it, find someone who can cook books.

Food network.
I have an employee who lives 3.5 hours away, a physical contract for physical work. He has a vehicle home with him and I just ship materials to him so he can do his job.

One thing I'm having a problem with is his hours. Right now he tallys his hours up at the end of the week and sends me them - I pay and never had to ask many questions.

Now latley it seems as if he is taking the piss a little with hours, maybe 3-4 jobs equal 40 hours where before 40 hours would have been like 6-7 jobs.

Does anyone have any experience running a remote employee and tracking their time.

Tried searching around and most time tracking apps/web soft but its a little overcomplicated for just a single employee.

I love all these answers. Can't this be answered with a simple phone call? Call him and ask him why is productivity is down. Shit, employees are people too and maybe he's got some other crap going on in his life, but you can totally find out with a phone call.

Ask him why he went from 6-7 jobs per 40 hours to 3-4. He may bullshit you but least he knows you're watching now. Don't trust employees to manage themselves they will buttfuck you in a second.
This is pretty straightforward.

1) Ask the employee what they believe reasonable output is. It's best to have employees state their abilities as it gives them a goal to aspire to that wasn't dictated to them by someone else.

2) If your output goals differs from theirs, negotiate a middle ground that the employee reasonably believes they can hit and agree to it in writing. Anything less than the agreed number is considered poor performance.

3) Offer a bonus for anything above the agreed upon number. The higher the achievement, the richer the bonus