problem with media buys and cpa offers


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Say you know of a website thats traffic converts well and you contact that website and buy some impressions using a banner (or whatever) to your cpa offer...Once the webmaster/s see that you're continually advertising the same offer on their site (obviously you're makin money), wouldn't they just wanna kick you off and steal your offer and put it up on their own? Does this happen?

Sorry I'm kinda new (Im done with the big 3)

I'm sure it happens, but not very often. The reason why the bigger webmasters go with media networks because they dont feel like putting up with the hassle of essentially creating their own affiliate program.
I'm sure it happens, but not very often. The reason why the bigger webmasters go with media networks because they dont feel like putting up with the hassle of essentially creating their own affiliate program.

Or if the site is big enough ( etc.) they don't want to get involved with the legal issue of flogs and rebills, but still want to reap the monies from them.
LARGE publishers (FOX/CNBC/YAHOO/etc) cannot be bothered- not only that they dont' want any direct TIE to offers, they want to cleanly sell inventory per their biz models.

TINY publishers are morons who want to build their stupid content sites and are fine making $10k/year off them.

MID-size (and there aren't many of them) are your threat. Sure they've done this- but it really isn't a big deal nor something to worry about.
I've done quite a few media buys directly with mid and long-tail pubs, and in my experience 90% of the time this won't be an issue. I've even had pubs who knew what affiliate marketing was and were running some offers on the site along side my campaigns, but there was never a problem because they only knew about CJ/Linkshare and not any of the other CPA networks.

Also you may want to represent yourself as an ad agency or as the advertiser/merchant, so that they think they're working direct and not with some random affiliate marketer trying to arb their inventory. Set up a professional looking website and use it in your email (instead of a gmail address or w/e).
Would you go to sites directly to buy traffic or do you got to sites like quigo to buy traffic for media buy. I never had big success in Media buy.Any suggestion?...
when you think about it, would you prefer to be sitting on a passive income, relatively low risk or have to fight every day to make sure your campaign is still making you monies while at any moment something could go wrong.
when you think about it, would you prefer to be sitting on a passive income, relatively low risk or have to fight every day to make sure your campaign is still making you monies while at any moment something could go wrong.

Irrelevant and off topic. Media buys can be passive income once they are optimized.