Problem: How to Tweak PPC Campaign of Low Traffic Longtails?


New member
Apr 12, 2008
So here's where I'm at:

- Built out PPC campaigns with long tail KWs.
- Got some results on campaign level, but most KWs have small number of clicks after months of running.
- Even on my one campaign that does have some KWs with decent data, tiny differences in very similar KWs show a big difference in results, so its hard to apply that performance to lower traffic similar KWs.

My question is: What could I do to optimize with a decent amount of campaign data, but its really an accumulation of low traffic longtails?

Thanks guys for any help.

Longtails + PPC fuckin' suck man. It just doesn't make sense to manage a couple clicks/month.

What could you do to optimize? Add those bulls-eye terms in there and split test ad copy. You'd be amazed at how the high-volume short tails convert.
Yeah like Garrett said in my opinion the long tail on PPC is nothing but a big pain in the ass. Medium and short is where you want to spend your time and energy.