Pro Design > Full Sites. LP's. Logos. Banners. Icons. Video Promos. 12 yrs experience

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Jun 26, 2006
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Pro Design > Full Sites. LP's. Logos. Banners. Icons. Video Promos. 12 yrs experience

So here's the run down:
  • I've been a designer for 12+ years.
  • I've designed over 1,600 logos in the past 4 years. (There's a real-time count on my site)
  • ..and hundreds of websites.
  • I also create video promos.

My pricing is static (With exception to LP's). Meaning everyone is charged the same price for logos, web design and banner sets. You order through my website(s) and there's a project management section, making communication and management a breeze.

Contact info:


A small look at my web design portfolio:


View for more / larger previews.


A small look at my logo design portfolio:


View for my larger logo portfolio & testimonials.

Here's an example banner set:


Animated banners:




A look at the videos I've created:

[ame=] - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=] Promo - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Slackk - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]DarkStar - YouTube[/ame]

I charge anywhere between $600 to $1k for 60 seconds depending on complexity.


This is the current pricing for web design:
  • Web Sites (Full PSD of Home Page): $599.
  • XHTML/CSS of Home Page + Blank Sub-page template: $199
  • When you order a logo *with* a website, $100 is knocked off, making it $50.
  • * If you want a landing page, the price of the PSD is usually cut by at least 25%, hit me up if you want an LP.

Visit my web design site for order form and portfolio (Please hit me up first before you place an order)


This is the current pricing for logo design:
  • Logo design: $149.95
  • Skip waiting period: $35.00 (if one exists)

Visit my logo design site for order form / portfolio / more info


This is the current pricing for banner sets:
  • Single Banner Set: $199
  • * A banner set is 8 banners of the standard sizes that Google Adwords/Adsense allows. I can design other sizes too of course upon request.

Hit me up via PM for banner set orders, I will have a formal order form setup shortly.

Oh I also do icon design!




View a ton of testimonials here

Easily one of the best designers on Wickedfire. Just look at that portfolio. This guy actually knows what he's doing and doesn't just limit his work to thoughtless Photoshop jobs.

I am actually in the midst of a considerably large project and needless to say Gary is all hands down my UI designer of choice.

*Bloghue recommended*
Bump. Order between now and the time this thread is still open and get 15% off any of the pricing mentioned above.
Like BlogHue says, hands down best designer here.

I am not using Gary for any projects and yet I still come into this thread just to look at his examples again and again.

The fact that his experience is not limited to one aspect of design + the clear eye for aesthetic style, really makes him stand out imo.

As always amazing portfolio Gary ...
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