Privacy Policy & Websponsors

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The Ultimate Member
Aug 21, 2006
When I applied for websponsors CPA affiliate network, they rejected my application because I had no privacy policy in place.

What should the privacy policy include? Notes about collecting emails & using cookies? Anything else?

Where can I get a privacy policy? Can I write a simple & short version myself?

Haha, what do you mean by that? Rewriting them till they look different form where I copied from?

Will I get sued even if I write in my own words using the idea of others?

i mean make it apply to your site.
if you don't need a section, take it out.
if you need to change a section, make it apply to your site.

if you are that worried about getting sued, hire an attorney to write you one.
i guarantee he'll copy somebody else's ;)
tos/privacy policy can not stop you from being sued, only limiting your liability.

hell, i thought you just wanted it to get an affiliate:rolleyes:
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