price negotiating stategy/tips?


New member
Jun 29, 2008
A police state.
I'm looking to buy a particular name and the owner is interested in selling. No range is given, basically a "if the price is right" approach from the buyer.

It's a four word domain (short words), but it's a well known phrase. Not a money-making niche, but it still undoubtedly hold's value because of how well known the phrase is to my target audience.

I've never really "haggled" for a name before, and if I end up buying this it'll be my largest domain transaction.

What strategy do you use (or would you use) in this situation?

Should I offer low and try to negotiate or just offer what I'm willing to pay? I'm willing to pay what I think is a fair price, but I have a budget.

Thanks guys.

The first thing I do is research it.

Is it live?
Have any traffic?
How long has he had it?
Can you find its worth on Domain appraisal sites?
How many times has it change hands?

You need to learn all this and more about the domain first determine what its true value is. Remember, its value to the current holder might be different than the value to you.
I have picked up great domains for song because they're just sitting around not in use.
When this is the case try sniping the domain.
If the guy currently is actively selling the domain they get a price from him. Or tell them it is for one of your clients who really doesn't want to spend much money. Another good tip is to offer to buy the domain from a different e-mail that you use normally. This way you get a good idea of where the guy is and then put your real offer from your real e-mail. Times are tough right now, so you should really get things for good price.

I hope this helps,
