- new tool for PPC'ers

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
I've just launched and thought I would post about it here to see what everybody thought.

Its basically a tool that lets you write then preview an ad and see it displayed as it would be in either Google, MSN or Yahoo!

Hope it is of use to people, I developed it as I got sick of having to log into all 3 of the big search engines to create a campaign, just to see what it looks like.

All feedback welcome.


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on a mac, it only has a 'clear preview' button, no submit.

and ya dont notice it till ya wasted 5 minutes knocking up an ad.

so thanks, time wasting knobend.

and by the way, what will you do with all the ads you capture? Sift thru em for any goodies?
on a mac, it only has a 'clear preview' button, no submit.

and ya dont notice it till ya wasted 5 minutes knocking up an ad.

so thanks, time wasting knobend.

and by the way, what will you do with all the ads you capture? Sift thru em for any goodies?

There is no "submit" button, just a "clear preview" button. Will take a look at it on Safari though to see if it displays better.

And no, no ads are captured at all. Believe it or not I can create my own ads and don't need to steal anybody elses ideas.

BTW good luck in life with your attitude.
on a mac, it only has a 'clear preview' button, no submit.

and ya dont notice it till ya wasted 5 minutes knocking up an ad.

so thanks, time wasting knobend.

and by the way, what will you do with all the ads you capture? Sift thru em for any goodies?

What a cockmuncher. There is no submit button so he isn't catching the ads that way and a quick look in Firebug shows there are no AJAX requests firing off your shitty ads.

Kieron, good work - bookmarked. It will come in handy.
Nice looking site. I'd like to write the ad once and then click on the tabs to see that ad with the other ad networks. Instead, it cleared my ad.
on a mac, it only has a 'clear preview' button, no submit.

and ya dont notice it till ya wasted 5 minutes knocking up an ad.

so thanks, time wasting knobend.

and by the way, what will you do with all the ads you capture? Sift thru em for any goodies?

fkn idiot....

other than that...Kieron got yourself a very helpful tool....+rep
Thanks for the feedback and kind words guys.

We are looking into how to implement some functionality whereby the ad is copied across all 3 tabs. There are a few challenges here, i.e. Google only allow 25 characters in the title and Yahoo! allow 40. But am sure we will get round them.

I also don't want to scare off anyone paranoid enough to think we are stealing their ppc ads (as if). So am trying to find ways to display the same ad across all 3 preview pages without using a "submit" button. Fun and games!
Well, you can still steal the ads without clicking a submit button (ajax) but that's being overly paranoid :)
maybe I was bein' a bit harsh, but having a bad morning, and the last thing I needed is someone wasting my time for me. I'm quite capable of wasting it myself.

had another look at it. Didn't even notice the text adjusting top and left, and automatically clicked the button which removes your hard work, and you can't even go 'back' to it. the layers are all over the shop in safari too.

apart from that, well done. Apologies for calling you a knobend. You are an entire knob.

PS, the cockmunchers who cant understand why capturing this data might be useful need to get off their automated reaming devices and go sober up somewhere.
Webferret - you are a total knob jockey

The divs need a slight adjustment to make it work in Safari, your other comments aren't even worth bothering about
Looks nice, I like it. The functionality to see ads for the different networks without typing them in each time will be nice too.
We are looking into how to implement some functionality whereby the ad is copied across all 3 tabs. There are a few challenges here, i.e. Google only allow 25 characters in the title and Yahoo! allow 40. But am sure we will get round them.

Why don't you set the other tabs to display:none instead of having different pages. This way when the tabs are clicked you can set the fields to automatically copy the value from the default tab?
Why don't you set the other tabs to display:none instead of having different pages. This way when the tabs are clicked you can set the fields to automatically copy the value from the default tab?

Yeah we're working on that, nearly got it working. Hopefully this functionality will be live very soon. Thanks again for the feedback.
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