Pretty Good Video - Affiliate Summit East Keynote - Not Boring!

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Shawn Collins from Affiliate Summit posted the video of Cory Booker (Mayor of Newark, NJ) doing his keynote address. The beginning, Blue Man Group thing was pretty funny too, not that they were funny, but the random woman (Megan - no idea who she is) they pulled up on stage who was probably nervous as all hell, so I'll cut her some slack over what she said. I missed the keynote, purposely (I never go to them at any show), but I kinda regret not seeing him, because he seems like a cool guy to shoot the shit with afterwards.

Anyway, the first 25 mins or so of his keynote were pretty good and serious for the most part. The rest he sorta became a more laid back kinda guy, probably the way he really is when he's not in front of a few thousand people.

Here's the link for it. Shawn didn't ask me to post this either, I just figured some of you could learn a bit about what he's talking about, because they are some good points.

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