Preservation of Wealth Club Legit?


New member
Oct 19, 2011
This legit?

[ame=""]How To Buy Silver Bullion At Wholesale Dealer Cost - YouTube[/ame]

Club site:
Preservation Of Wealth, At-Cost Gold And Silver

I've been interested in buying some God's money beginning this month......... Looking for the best prices on Silver.

Any help or tips to other sites would be appreciated.
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I use Apmex. POW prices seem about $2 to $2.50 less per ounce silver but the annual membership fee is $250. It seems like a better deal for sliver than gold.

Not sure if they're legit, though.
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I use Apmex. POW prices seem about $2 to $2.50 less per ounce silver but the annual membership fee is $250. It seems like a better deal for sliver than gold.

Not sure if they're legit, though.

Thanks. Those are probably best prices i've seen on Silver so far.

I'm def using Monarch for gold! Their coins and nugget deals are amazing
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I removed the links for both of your posts.

Here's why:

First reason: That site is an MLM. They don't hide it either, although, they are nowhere near as aggressive as other MLM's.

Second reason: What that guy is saying in the video is only partially true. His club, is not unique. There are tons of them, more popping up all over the place all the time. Also, important for people to realize is that he's purposely combining the very different realms of spot price, bullion investments and coin investments into one. And THAT is not cool, because they are very different investment models.

Are they legit?

Yes and no.

Yes - Because they do sell coins and don't make money on the markup.
No - Because they sell coins that most places don't ever want to buy from you.

So, if you're trying to buy gold and silver, and you get into the whole coin collectors/investors realm, and you spend a bunch of cash and high shipping costs on coins that no professional dealer wants to buy from you for more or even at cost of what you've gone and spent, then you may as well just invest in pure gold or pure silver bullion instead. Because those coins, are worth more melted down into bullion than they are as coins.

Personally, I've invested in precious metals for a while. But never coins. Not because I dislike coins, but because its a lot of work by comparison to the other investment vehicles available. On top of which, its a volume game. The US Mint takes precious metals, makes a crapload of coins, and then eleven licensed distributors do a bit of price fixing and many times price gouging (it may be shady, but its not illegal how they do it), and then dealers who have been in the game for waaaaay longer than any of these guys pitching it, go and buy it and tack on their own marked up fees, because they also need to make a profit. See, nearly every time it passes through from one channel to the next, anyone who touches it, tacks on a fee or premium markup to make a profit from this one coin/coin set.

The best investment of all of these things are just to buy the actual physical gold, silver, platinum, palladium bars and ingots. Physically storage them in a bank box or wherever. Liquidate/sell the asset when you think you need to. That's it. No science or secret to it.

I rarely touch precious metals myself anymore. Just too much work. Instead, my precious metals investment group handles all of it. I just approve transactions. Its a wonderfully simple thing and makes a healthy profit. I reduce the majority of my risk by having them follow MY own blueprint of investing and connections, coupled with THEIR investment expertise and history and insure things and/or hedge the risk via options. Its a combined effort from a variety of investment avenues all wrapped up into one. But the only thing they don't touch, are coins.

Don't even get me started on what we do with investment grade diamonds. Puts precious metals to shame by comparison.