Prepper/Survival Leads


New member
Aug 8, 2007
Hey..If anyone has any prepper or survival type leads I have a pretty sweet offer to promote. Shoot me a PM with any questions.

I know a guy in the industry but he isn't one of us. Might be able to connect you guys somehow. Hit my skype.
I talked to OP about the offer. I sent it to my mailing list because I have a feeling they'll like something like this. Plus, I needed to send them SOMETHING this week anyways lol.
Another good idea is to make a detailed thread about how to assemble a truly functional aluminum foil/tin hat, way too many shitty tutorials out there (then just get people to opt-in for the report or something along those lines).

Hat??? Wtf? That's part of the problem these days... people talk about hats when they really need faraday cages.
I could be intersted in this. I run a prepping FB with 24K followers. Might be able to do something.
I don't have enuff credibility to PM you, but you can always try PMing me.. :)
I could be intersted in this. I run a prepping FB with 24K followers. Might be able to do something.
I don't have enuff credibility to PM you, but you can always try PMing me.. :)

You can skype me jmacek07

Anyone that's interested can check out the site