Premade Landing Page Store - what do you want to see?


Face Rocker
Jan 28, 2007
Hey guys, I'm adding a new feature to my design portfolio site this month. It's going to be premade CSS/html landing pages (Going to be located at Premade Landing Page Store, Instant Download | SiteStomp Media).

I'm going to start with about 5-10 designs and see how it goes. I'm thinking of making them somewhere between $20 and $40/each.

Just had a few questions for the community at large:

1. Would you be interested in a service like this? Remember, I will be adding new ones monthly.

2. What kinds of landing pages would you like to see for the launch of the service?

3. What do you think a fair price is?

Thanks, just trying to get some feedback before launch. :)

1. yes
2. more ppv ones (750x550) as well as some great looking FTC compliant flogs with all the content on them (is that even possible? especially @FTC part)
3. check out :thumbsup:
1. yes
2. more ppv ones (750x550) as well as some great looking FTC compliant flogs with all the content on them (is that even possible? especially @FTC part)
3. check out :thumbsup:

Okay, thanks for feedback. Yeah, he sells them in packs by the month. I'm more or less trying to set up a store where people can pick and choose what they want, thats why I was asking about a fair price per download.
I hear you. However usually I just download his packs and then pick 2-3 I need. I'll still get them cheaper that way than paying $20 or more each.

Anyway, it really depends. I wouldn't want to pay the same for a 750x550 lander as I would for a complete WP template, obviously. Maybe something like $10-20 for a PPV one, $50 or so for a WP one?

Then again I'm on a budget so my idea of a fair price for such landers is probably way off.
1. If the designs start hitting on more obscure niches and ones that are new, then yes. An example would be say the dating sites that always seem to have a different target every month. Throwing a few of the new niches/targets in would be nice. Also, adjusting to the new style of the diet offers would be a help too (promo codes, etc.)

2. I agree about the PPV ones. I guess I answered this too in #1. Also, I know this might be asking a bit much, but if you can target LPs down further instead of just general stuff. Take insurance. Instead of a plain jane insurance lander, make a kick ass life insurance page one month, bike insurance the next, so on and so on.

3. I have used LPdesigner before and they are a good base. Seeing your portfolio, I think you could charge more but you need to be different. Like I said, I would like to see more specific niches and landers but I know that can be hard to please everyone. Just my random thoughts and I look forward to checking these out.
You might do well with a combination of unusual/unique and customizable.

Example: Offer many different styles of landing pages like review/comparison pages, flog-style, video landing page, questionnaire-style etc.

If you can also add some rudimentary, easy customization (e.g. several colour-themes) I think the chances are pretty good that people will browse through your store and go "that's exactly what I need" at some point.
Thanks for all the great feedback and suggestions. This is exactly what I was looking for. I'm trying to find out what everyone wants. I definitely plan on including review templates, flog templates, ppv templates, very niche offers, etc. Everything will be done in CSS so changing it is easy even if you have no knowledge of manipulating graphics, etc.

Unlike Lpdesigner, who is a talented designer btw, I won't be selling packs and I'm not in direct competition with him. It'll be pay to download on an individual basis only in a store format. I think based on this, $10-$15 does sound fair especially if I can sell alot of them. It adds up.

Keep the good ideas rolling in, I plan to have this live within the next 2 weeks. :)
Also, another question. Does anyone have any experience with the paypal shopping cart system? Do they allow the download of digital goods? For example, someone makes the payment via paypal and then is sent to a download link?
What about also offering to make some simply modifications for a minimum fee? These modifications may or may not be simple css changes or simple images changes, but not much more.

For example, say I really like one of your LPs but there is something I want changed. Maybe it is a little above my design skills or I just don't have the time and want it quickly. But I don't want to pay for a full custom design. So say you charge $20 for an LP, then offer simple modifications for say $10 or $15?

This might get you more custom orders as well. If I had some simple mods done and liked working with you then I would likely go back to you for some total custom job I wanted done.
I think "everything in CSS" is probably the biggest selling point you'll have. Most template stores include a PSD, but half the designs one finds are convoluted table-heavy crap that really needs to be reconfigured. And those of us who are on non-PS-friendly platforms can't do anything with a PSD anyway.

You could make a whole site or section of your site about how awesomely newb-friendly your landing pages are, complete with an FLV showing you change two lines of the stylesheet to Radically! Change! the look of the page (OMG IT WAS BLUE ... BUT NOW IT'S RED!) and you'd sell the things like 2-for-1 lapdances at a Vegas insurance convention.

@davidb - plan on definitely still offering the custom service as well, and edits on the premades.

@frank - haha, good idea. But yeah, everything I can possibly do with CSS will definitely be done with CSS. Not everyone can edit graphics, so this is probably the smartest way to handle the landers. This makes it easier for people to edit colors/headings/etc :) All text, of course, will be dynamic.
I think "everything in CSS" is probably the biggest selling point you'll have. Most template stores include a PSD, but half the designs one finds are convoluted table-heavy crap that really needs to be reconfigured. And those of us who are on non-PS-friendly platforms can't do anything with a PSD anyway.

You could make a whole site or section of your site about how awesomely newb-friendly your landing pages are, complete with an FLV showing you change two lines of the stylesheet to Radically! Change! the look of the page (OMG IT WAS BLUE ... BUT NOW IT'S RED!) and you'd sell the things like 2-for-1 lapdances at a Vegas insurance convention.


An app I use regularly to get rid of tables :)

lol @ 'compliant flogs'

yes- i'll make sure i'm FTC compliant by buying a $40 landing page from a designer who claims it is.

biggest thing? GOOD CODE, and framework that's built ground up thinking that while your'e making that great dating site, people like me who don't touch dating might be able to use it to generate leads for classic automobiles.

That is- build it in css, make images seperate from background images so that someone can quickly/easily change from some big sugar momma to a pic of a contractor w/ out opening photoshop and edting the 40 layer background image that's all exported as one.

Cross browswer compatability. That's my biggest weakness and why I buy landing page templates. The designs usually are mediocre at best, BUT I can quickly rip the compliant framework which I dont' know how to do myself and create something that I know isn't going to break in IE6.
Boobies and titties.. of course. :)

One final question. This weekend and next week I should have time to start the templates and get some of them live. I think I will be using e-Junkie as the shopping cart software because it integrates with paypal, and I've read alot of good reviews about it.

Now, according to e-Junkie, I need a business account with paypal. I have a premiere account, so will it still work? I clicked upgrade account on paypal, but it told me "You already have a premiere account." However, it still lets me create buttons to put on my site. So, I'm a bit confused. Does e-Junkie work with a premiere account?

I've never set up an online store before, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated (sorry I'm asking so many questions hahah)