Pre-campaign look

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Waste of e-space
Aug 1, 2006
Need pre-campaign suggestions

I am looking at four different ways of starting my campaign to break the ice. I only have a budget of $200 to start so I have very little wiggle room and I’m trying to maximize my earnings while minimizing my chance for error.

There will be two types of sites I will focus on; each site will have a budget of $100 (give or take).

Site A will be content base with user reviews and news.
  • Focus will be to establish a return user base while expanding it for long term.
  • During which I will experiment with various ad networks to maximize profits.
  • Content will be added on a daily bases along with constant SEO
  • Traffic focus would be by forum sigs, blogs, articles & trying to network with larger sites along with some cheap PPC as the budget allows ($100).
  • Future focus would also include building other sites that fall within the niche and network them together.
Pros of Site A
  1. It’s a topic/market I enjoy
  2. It would provide valuable content to the end user
Cons of Site A
  1. It has a low CPC & would need high volume traffic - Put this as a con since it would mean higher chance of a slow start on profits.
  2. It would require higher maintenance at first - I don’t mind it it’s just that I wanted to come up with 2 pros/cons each. ;)
Site B will be a 2-3 page keyword niche
  • Focus will be on PPC Arbitrage
  • During which I will work on getting a great CTR & high ROI
  • Traffic would be cheap PPC – to start
  • Future focus would be to reproduce it once I get it right
Pros of Site B
  1. Greater chance of generating a profit sooner than Site A
  2. Small site – quick to produce & reproduce
Cons of Site B
  1. Driven by cheap PPC very limited start up money
  2. Could choose a niche that booms

Okay, now for the different scenarios I’m looking at for my campaign.

Scenario 1
• Launch one Site A & one Site B both with a budget of $100.

Scenario 2
• Launch two Site B's both with a budget of $100.

Scenario 3
• Launch one Site A with a budget of $200.

Scenario 4
• Launch one Site B with a budget of $200.

What I’m looking for are some suggestions on which scenario or custom scenario some of you would go with. A reason why would be grateful also.

What my main goals are to find a process that works for me and tweak it until I’m can’t tweak it anymore then reproduce. Once I’m making a profit I will start expanding the niche’s that I choose and I will also start to venture into new ones.

I’m expecting to learn by trail & error so I’m all open for me falling out of the gate but I will do everything I can to narrow that chance once I start. ;)

Once I have my campaign rolling and expanding I will continue to share my experience from day one in hopes that it will help out.

Honestly, you need to just start the sites and see what happens. Everything you have said is way too generalized for me to be able to make any suggestions -- except to do A because "It’s a topic/market I enjoy."

That is the best way to start, you'll be more attentive to learn the ins and outs which can be later applied to more uninteresting niches.
Just like Andrew said, try it and see what happens.
Getting out there and trying things is the biggest hurdle for newbies.
But trust me, I just said "fuck it" and jumped in to ppc and some other things. I am learning more on my own than you could ever learn from just reading webmaster forums.
The great thing is that since I have a little experience now, I can understand the bigtime webmasters better!

and if it's any encouragement, I didn't lose any money. I'm making 2:1 ROI.
Thanks for the feedback you two. F' it is what I'm trying to do; I just tend to over analyze things.

Shoot I've taken the hardest step for me and thats the $200 to invest which is a lot of money for my family & me. Well it is and it isn't, I guess having kids seems to put a heaver value on a dollar.
I think you kind of answered your own question when you said

"What my main goals are to find a process that works for me"

The only way you will do that is by trying out both ideas. You might actually find your prefer to work on one type rather than the other, or you just might be more successful with one or the other.
Ferraristi said:
I think you kind of answered your own question when you said

"What my main goals are to find a process that works for me"

The only way you will do that is by trying out both ideas. You might actually find your prefer to work on one type rather than the other, or you just might be more successful with one or the other.

I've decided to launch one of each and see how it goes.
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