Pratice your copywriting with data and get paid for it...


New member
Oct 17, 2006
San Diego
I was searching on Google for Direct Marketing Copywriting companies because I don't don't have time to do it anymore and we could really use more people in the office. Which I'm hiring slowly.

When I stumbled upon a 99 designs style copywriting service.

If you're not famiiar with this it goes like this.

Someone wants something done so they put up a contest with a prize.

Do X and whoever is selected the best will get prize Y.

The site I found was

BoostCTR - How It Works - Writers

So much like trading stocks but not investing money while you improve your skills you can do the same with copywriting. Just signup as a writer at this site, then start writing copy for contests. I didn't try it but it seems you get the data on your ad that you write and the data on the other ads that were written as well so you can see who won the contest.

Normally you'd need to spend a lot of money buying traffic to get real world data on how good your copywriting is. But with this service you can hone you cashvertising skills on someone elses dime if you've got no loot to do it yourself. :)
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Hey This is actually pretty cool. The only thing I would be worried about with this is if you have a small niche like for say red bowling balls you might not want your ads and data all outted on this platform. If your doing something like travel tickets, well I think you will be okay!
^Think what Smax suggests is that you work as a copywriter so you can learn what works and what doesn't on someone else's dime. No niche of your own being outed there.
BoostCTR Writing contests

What you are suggesting is a very valid reason to write. The other is that we have payouts for wins. We also keep track of a points system to rank writers so we can tell who is the best.

Rob Lenderman
Co-Founder BoostCTR

To address your concern we show just enough to write an ad. We do not show bids, etc. Just ads, landing pages, and the very top keywords so they can match the ads to them.

Personally I have been an affiliate for almost ten years and have never found it useful to try and hide what I did. Most affiliates are lazy and never attempt a new niche anyway much less try to master it. If your niche is so special that you are able to make money with nearly zero effort then consider yourself lucky and expect that a true master is going to eat your lunch one day. My advice would be to try and become very efficient with your traffic today(Like using if you do that you don't have anything to worry about because you will be able to price people out of the market when they do attempt.

Co-Founder BoostCTR
Good luck. Don't get discouraged if your win rate is 20%-20%. That is the network average. Having said that the average lift to CTR or conv rate is 40%.

Co-Founder BoostCTR
This actually looks really fun. Always looking for ways to up my copy writing game.
You see a % difference. We never expose true CTR. So a 2% that goes to 4% will show a 100% change. We also show confidence in the result. We also show past contests so you can learn.

We actually came up with the idea of the network after running an experiement using excel. It was so much fun to see everyone from the VP to the admin compete to see who was better. Turns out the person with the most experience in tactical writing and with a fresh perspective was the best.

What is the most interesting is that new writers have the best chance of winning as they come with a new perspective. We see in most cases the advertiser has tried and tried to improve but fails and within a few tries we beat them because of the new appraoch coupled with tactical expertise.

Read our blog and you will see some insight into the types of things that work.

Rob Lenderman
Co-Founder BoostCTR
We have hundreds of writers and advertisers. They range from guys that have just a few ad groups to sites like

Most advertisers start with a test of a number of ad groups and expand after the tests as we deliver for almost everyone. So far we only lose advertisers when they shut down their accounts for other business reasons because we are able to deliver through our process and expert writers.

One of the biggest benefits to writers and advertisers is the time savings. On average the advertisers spends less than one minute to run a contest to a winner.

The average writer is supposed to make $30 an hour if they can win enough and don't spend too much time writing although the practice they get is a bonus.

Advertisers also can reject ads that try and cheat the system using words like free when nothing is free so it is not as simple as it sounds.

We are working on a new feature to allow you to become and advertiser and write for yourself. It saves hours in testing but allows you to try and beat yourself. You will find that using the network is a better option but you can pick.
Co-Founder BoostCTR
Rob, is it hard to be approved as a writer? I just applied, and while I may not be the best or the most experienced copywriter, I really want to improve my writing and see how I compare to others out there.
Good point. We actually review every new writer application so it is not automatic. We give most people a shot though as long as they show some level of competence. The main reason is that it is a two step process and people that don't complete the second step(longer application) were never really interested. We are building a core community of good writers(we teach them things through email) as opposed to a large crowd of people off the street that write once and never return. Our blog has some of the core content if you don't think you can spend time writing but want to learn. Not nearly as helpful as writing but still useful.

Co-Founder BoostCTR
Thanks for the response, Rob. I'm definitely willing to put in the time to write while working on my current campaigns, so I really gave part 2 of the app my best shot with my current abilities. Looking forward to working with you guys if I get in.

@smaxor - thanks for posting this man. I can definitely see my copywriting reaching another level through this.
Let me know if you are not allowed in. We have been adding a lot of new people and sometimes a promising application gets caught in our filters.
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