PPV Budget to Produce Call Volume


Carlisle Tax Collector

I have been learning, reading and lurking and have figured out PPV- I have an add that prompts consumers to call a toll-free number- the one thing I just cant figure out is how much traffic to buy on a ppv network to produce call volume- should it be a daily, budget, etc- I simply have no clue on how to set budgets to produce, calls, conversions, etc-


I have been learning, reading and lurking and have figured out PPV- I have an add that prompts consumers to call a toll-free number- the one thing I just cant figure out is how much traffic to buy on a ppv network to produce call volume- should it be a daily, budget, etc- I simply have no clue on how to set budgets to produce, calls, conversions, etc-

What kind of infrastructure do you have in place? Do you already have a deal set up with a call center? How many leads can you handle? As far as conversions, you're not going to know what your conversion rate is until you start testing by running traffic.
What kind of infrastructure do you have in place? Do you already have a deal set up with a call center? How many leads can you handle? As far as conversions, you're not going to know what your conversion rate is until you start testing by running traffic.

Every person has to cross Hurdles to get into Success... otherwise the work we do won't be interesting...!

I have been learning, reading and lurking and have figured out PPV- I have an add that prompts consumers to call a toll-free number- the one thing I just cant figure out is how much traffic to buy on a ppv network to produce call volume- should it be a daily, budget, etc- I simply have no clue on how to set budgets to produce, calls, conversions, etc-

Just analyze that how many of the consumers you get through toll-free number per day. Make day by day analysis for a month. So that you might set budget....