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Pheasant Heavy Breathing
Mar 14, 2008
I went to an "interactive schmooze cruise" and got a chance to speak with a pretty big name WH seo guy for a little bit. I told him I was interested in IM/AM/SEO and he asked me what my background was.

I told him about my degree in English and he said that SEO would probably be more up my ally than PPC. He said PPC/SEM guys have more of an "economics/numbers" oriented mind...

What says you guys?

I say don't let anyone type cast you into something based on school. Actaully the more I think about tha comment the lamer it is. As maybe you're great at writing ad copy and would do very well at PPC.

People talk about these thing mutually exclusively and that never makes sense to me. What keywords are you going to WH SEO for that takes 6 monthes to rank? Some you found in wordtracker that you think are good? what if they don't convert? What if you could get the real data on what keywords convert right now? Well you can it's called PPC. learn PPC, SEO, how to write ad copy, technical stuff if you want. But for heavens sake don't let some "big WH SEO" lead you down some path. Make your own decsions on what you enjoy. Because it all makes money.
sounds like a dumb "if-then-else" logic right there.

what he said about PPC being a numbers-oriented game is true, however. stats rule. but those are things you can learn with enough time and experience.
Utter, utter bollocks - if that was true, half the folk on this forum would be fucked ;).

I think you should out this "pretty big name WH SEO guy" so I can laugh at how pathetic he is.
I went to an "interactive schmooze cruise" and got a chance to speak with a pretty big name WH seo guy for a little bit. I told him I was interested in IM/AM/SEO and he asked me what my background was.

I told him about my degree in English and he said that SEO would probably be more up my ally than PPC. He said PPC/SEM guys have more of an "economics/numbers" oriented mind...

What says you guys?

So the big names is SEO are just as full of shit as the big names in AM, interesting.
If you have the money and the time, try both and stick with w/e works for you.

I don't understand why he'd give you that advice just because you said you were an english major.
I hated math so much I quit after Algebra II. Hence the English major :)

Thanks for the great replies. Lately I've felt so info-overwhelmed it's been difficult to pick one angle and stick to it. Self-doubt is a bitch.

I do both. I'm terrible at math and was a Computer Science major. Steriotypes fuck it. In fact, you'd probably do better to be DIFFERENT than others in your field. That way you come at it from a unique angle.
Shit, I majored in Sociology and Spanish...if I let the numbers get in the way, I would be where 99% of the people are now...on the side watching others make money.

SEO and PPC are both great ways to make a profit. Having an SEO background can definitely help your PPC campaigns. I say make your money in PPC, but know SEO!
I say don't let anyone type cast you into something based on school. Actaully the more I think about tha comment the lamer it is. As maybe you're great at writing ad copy and would do very well at PPC.

People talk about these thing mutually exclusively and that never makes sense to me. What keywords are you going to WH SEO for that takes 6 monthes to rank? Some you found in wordtracker that you think are good? what if they don't convert? What if you could get the real data on what keywords convert right now? Well you can it's called PPC. learn PPC, SEO, how to write ad copy, technical stuff if you want. But for heavens sake don't let some "big WH SEO" lead you down some path. Make your own decsions on what you enjoy. Because it all makes money.

Damn good post!
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