PPC Testing Question

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New member
May 17, 2009
East Coast and Mid West
Quick question...

lets say i want to test an offer that will make me 35 per conversion...its for a google money kit, and it requires a page 2 cc submit, and i make a flog for it

how much money will i have to put into my campaign to test it out

now lets say i want to do a IQ test phone submit, which pays out on text confirmation...it pays out 3.00 per confirmation

how much money would i need to test that one out

Yeah u need 1729$ exact to test out its profitability. The people above are retards.
The answer to your question depends heavily on how many words/ad groups you are going to test with the GMK. You need to get a hundred or so clicks minimum (hopefully 1000) to each phrase before you can even consider pruning the losers.

I guess your CPC (therefore quality score) will weigh in here too since you're asking about total startup costs. Low side $2-3k ... $10k will get you a decent data sample for your testing needs on a modest list of phrases.

I personally wouldn't throw more than a couple hundred at a zip/phone/email submit to see if it converts. If you do, make sure you have a few extra offers laying around when they start to scrub.

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